Meeting went awry.

Aurora became friends with Takashi and they have been chatting in Discordia since they met in Granny Hannah's restaurant.

Takashi was surprised to see Aurora here at Carson elite, no, in Starfall city!

"What are you doing here?" Takashi immediately realised that his question sounded a bit too aggressive, so he corrected himself.

"I'm sorry, I meant why haven't you told me that you are also here in Starfall City! I already told you that I'm moving to Starfall city and will go to Carson elites to study. Why didn't you say anything back then? I'm really surprised to see you here!" Takashi said, his face still had a surprised look.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you! But I never would have guessed I would meet you on my first day though. How are you? And who's that friend of yours, care to introduce herself to me? Why don't you join us on our table?"

Ana and Erisviel were curious about the handsome boy.

Aurora did mention about this friend of hers but they didn't inquire much about him from Aurora.

On the other side, Lucretia was very surprised to see that Takashi made a friend and it's also a girl too!

Gears started to turn on her head and she started to imagine all sorts of crazy scenarios with the two of them.

There was a mischievous smile on her face, her eyes had a sparkly prankish look.

'Fufufu! Taki-Kun, now I can take my revenge on you for flicking my forehead! Hue hue hue' The mischievous prankster said in her mind.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry I didn't notice that you were with your friends. When I saw you I was very surprised so I forgot about the surroundings!" Turning to Lucretia, Takashi introduced Lucretia to Aurora.

"This is my best friend, Lucretia."

Lucretia coming forward standing beside Takashi greeted Takashi's new friend.

"Hi! My name Lucretia, I'm Taki-Kun's best best beeest friend forever and ever and ever!"

"Wow! You're quite an energetic person, Lucretia. My name is Rory! They are my best friends, Erisviel and Ana."

"Hello!" Erisviel greeted normally like she always does. With a neutral face and a monotone voice.

"Ello!" Ana.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Takashi."

Erisviel ignored Takashi after the initial greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Takazhi! I 'ave a vierd accent, iz it alright to call you as Kaz like Aurora?"

"Of course, it's okay! I don't mind." Replied Takashi smiling to Ana.

"Wow! Are you from the Tevittar tribe? I once met someone from the Tevittar tribe they also have a similar accent to yours!" Lucretia's eyes twinkled hearing Ana's accent.

"I vas raized at the Tevittar tribe, but I'm not from the Tribe." Answered Ana.

Aurora sighed seeing Erisviel ignoring, Takashi.

"Don't mind, Erisviel. She is a quiet person, it takes time for her to get used to new people."

"I see, I don't mind. I was also similar to her in the past before I met my friends."

Takashi and Lucretia took a seat at the table.

They started conversing about themselves and school.

Sabastian and Zulkernyn joined.

The two also greeted Aurora's new friend and joined in on their conversation.

Right after the two joined, Aaron came with Li Hwa.

Their table couldn't accommodate everyone so they changed location to a bigger table.

Nyx soon joined the gang.

Everyone was having a good time until two people joined the table!

The two were Ian and Kieran.

"You!!!" Kieran meeting Aurora made a disturbed expression on his face.

It was the same for Aurora.

"Mr Johnson, fancy meeting you here! Did the Johnson's sent you here or the Bloods? Maybe both?" Aurora narrowed her eyes at Kieran, there was a hint of dislike and hostility towards Kieran.

On the other side, Ian and Lucretia's situation was much more concerning than Aurora and Kieran's.

Ian's face was pale and Lucretia was showing a hateful look on her face.

Takashi and Kieran turned to Lucretia and was shocked to see their best friend showing open hostility to someone.

Their usual mischievous prankster was nowhere to be seen.

The others on the table also noticed this.

Zulkernyn got up trying to contain this out of control situation at the table.

"Lucretia..." I am called out to Lucretia, his voice was full of pain and sorrow.

"Don't you dare call my name with your filthy mouth, you MURDERER!" Lucretia raised her voice startling everyone at the table.

"Ran, Taki-Kun! Let's go from here. I can't stand to be in the same room as this murderer in front of me!!!" She turned around left the restaurant.

Takashi and Kieran were concerned for Lucretia, so they followed her out.

At the table, Ian balled his hands into fists.

Erisviel and Nyx who was beside Ian could hear him muttering.

'Yes, I'm a murderer' over and over.

Startling the two of them, Ian ran out of the restaurant.

Confused by these sudden turns of events, Aurora asked Zulkernyn to go after Ian.

Suddenly her phone vibrated, Aurora checked her phone and saw it was a message from Takashi.

[Chef Kaz - I'm sorry that it turned out like this, Rory. I didn't know who you were and what happened between Lucy and Ian. I hope this doesn't change our friendship, I'm sure there's some kind of misunderstanding between you and Kieran. Although we know each other for a short time, you are nothing like the person Kieran described to me. Also about Ian and Lucy, I will try to find out everything I can. I don't want to lose a great friend like you!]

Aurora sighed reading the message.

She didn't reply to the message.

Turning to Erisviel, Aurora asked her.

"Eris, try to find out everything you can about the three of them. If you need help, then ask Erina to help you with this."

She turned to Sabastian and Aaron next.

"You two, go pry out everything from that idiot!"

To Aurora, right now her priority is her best friend Ian.

Takashi, Kieran and Lucretia? They all come after she fixes up her best friend.


At a lounge, two people were sitting across each other with a table between the two.

"Mr Prince, you don't have to worry about anything other than how you will gift me your niece." Declan Harrington said with a smug look on his face.

Lyle Prince, current CEO of Prince industries and Nyx's uncle.

He wrinkled his brows thinking of the deal proposed by Declan Harrington.

"She is engaged to the young Heilige, how would you deal with their engagement then? It's not easy even for the Death Parade to do anything to one of the candidates of Sword Saint." Lyle said regarding the Heilige family's involvement on the matter of their discussion.

"That is something for us to deal with, all I want is your niece in exchange for our sea routes. As for the other matter regarding my brother, weapons for him and he will the protection you need! So Mr Prince, do we have a deal?" Placing some contract paper in black with white ink on the table, Declan waited for Lyle's response.

Thinking for a minute, Lyle smiled.

"I accept your brother's demands but for you? As long as you deal with my niece and the young Heilige, its all fair. But only the sea routes? Your offer is unacceptable! You're asking me to give you my beloved niece on a silver platter? Hahaha! What a joke." Lyle laughed before his face hardened and became serious.

"Give me the shares of Veritas entertainment along with the sea routes then we will have a deal, Mr Harrington." Lyle countered the offer with a vicious glint on his eyes.

"You're a cunning ba**ard son of a *beeb* Mr Prince. I accept your demands. As long as you give me your niece, you will get them!" Clicking his tongue, Declan extended his hand towards Lyle.

Shaking Declan's hand, Lyle shrewdly smiled.

"Then we have a deal. But first, you to deal with the engagement of my niece, Mr Harrington."

Declan didn't reply, finishing up the contract procedures he left.

Lyle pouring himself a drink chuckled.

"Now how would you deal with this idiot, my dear beloved niece? I wonder, I wonder..."