Self-destructive Hypocrite.

(At Takashi's apartment, the day of the restaurant event.)

Kieran just came out of Lucretia's room, when Takashi stood in front of him.

"How is she?" Takashi asked in concern.

Giving deep sigh, Kieran replied.

"She has fallen asleep, it's kind of okay now. She calmed down after crying for some time. Don't worry about her too much, she's fine. You know her, she will be back to herself next time we see her. It's better if we don't ask her anything about it."

After informing Takashi, Kieran started walking towards the kitchen.

Takashi sighed in relief hearing about Lucretia.

He followed Kieran to the dining room.


At the dining room,

Kieran after grabbing a couple of cans of beer from the kitchen sat at the dining table.

He threw a can to Takashi, who caught it with one hand before opening the can.

*clicked tspssshhhh* (x2)

"Why didn't you tell us about, Aurora Blood? You know my reasons for coming here in Starfall city, so why?" Asked Kieran, taking a sip of beer from the can.

"I didn't know who she was before. I knew she had some mysterious background but who she was? That I didn't know. I tried to investigate too but no luck there..." Takashi replied sitting across the table facing Kieran.

"Don't you sniff the beer, that's just gross!!! When are you going to lose that habit of yours, geez!" Kieran said raising his voice, feeling a bit cringed.

Takashi who was about to sniff the beer stopped suddenly.

He has a weird bad habit of sniffing any food or drink before intaking.

"Thanks for the reminder, bro! It's hard to get rid off. I'm doing all sorts of things but still having a hard time ridding this bad habit." Takashi said, before taking a sip of the beer.

"Anyway, she is not a bad person. To be honest, Ran? You two would be great friends if you seriously consider befriending her!"

Kieran put his head on the table before replying to Takashi.

"If you two can become friends then I guess, she is not that bad. But it's impossible for us now! Either I go along with the Johnsons plan or I fight back. The latter is impossible right now, it's not time yet. I also don't want to go along with their plans, I'm not that kind of a person Takashi! I have only this year to figure myself out or else it will be over for me. This is my last chance!" Kieran banged the table in frustration!

Though Kieran was a bit angry at Takashi for what happened today, Kieran can't blame Takashi because Takashi didn't know that the girl he befriended was Aurora blood.

Takashi's trust issues are much more serious than Kieran's.

After Takashi's adoptive grandparents died, he was completely alone.

He didn't have anyone but his younger brother.

Even the guards that vowed loyalty to Takashi, Takashi didn't trust them.

He knows how cruel the Sacred families and clans are.

He faced the harsh reality of the world before entering the world of the 23 sacred noble families and clans.

The world of the Sacred Nobles families and clans are much harsher than the world he used to live before.

His grandparents taught him everything before they departed, with that knowledge he lived through a hellish period.

'Since Takashi judged Aurora Blood to be someone he can trust then Aurora Blood isn't as bad as I thought' Kieran thought in his mind.

Raising his head, Kieran looked straight into Takashi's eyes.

With a serious face, Kieran spoke.

"I have three options! One, join Death Parade. It's the easiest option, I can take care of the Johnsons and all of my problems."

A heavy killing intent focussed on Kieran.

"I will kill you, Kieran!" Takashi's eyes were full of hatred.

"Chill dude! It's one of the options, I never said I'm joining that terrorist group!!! There's no way I will consider that option." Beads of sweat formed on Kieran's forehead as he tried to calm his best friend.

Suddenly the feeling of danger vanished like it was an illusion.

The atmosphere became casual like it was before.

The sudden change baffled Kieran to the point he was starting to believe that this reality isn't real!

'I must be inside some sort of matrix, aren't I? I must be!' Kieran said in his mind.

"I know you were joking, so what are the other options" Takashi replied casually like nothing happened. He took another sip of his beer before thinking about what to make for today's dinner.

Seeing Takashi was back to his normal self, Kieran rolled his eyes.

Sighing, Kieran continued listing his options.

"Two, do what the Johnsons asked me to do. After completing their task I go back to my normal days before I stab their back and take my revenge."

"Certainly, the best possible solution without me becoming a terrorist but doing so I will break Aurora Blood's heart! I will make an enemy out of her, then I will have to be against her. As long as I will be careful, it's good. There will be skirmishes, but that's normal in the world of sacred families and clans."

"Or you could work together with Aurora Blood?" Takashi proposed.

"HEll, NOOO!!! With her Queen personality, it will never happen!" Retorted Kieran banging the table again.

"So you do admit to what she said to you about yourself? What did she say? Ah! I remember now. 'You don't have the intention to sit on a throne yet you pretend to be a king?' Yeah, that's what she said you told us." Takashi countered, Kieran.

"..." Kieran.

"... I'm a hypocrite through and through!" Replied Kieran.

"Yeah, yeah! So what's the third option?"

"Third, go with my original plan and wait... Wait for an opportunity! But I think I have to change my plans because of the way things are developing. I don't know about Aurora blood but we can use each other I guess." Kieran answered to Takashi.

"I hope you don't do anything stupid, Kieran!" Takashi sighed finishing his drink.

He turned to the area of Lucretia's room.

"She is blaming Ian even though it was not his fault. She knows that but that's not a proper way to cope with Eleonore's death..."

Kieran stayed silent and didn't reply to Takashi right away.

They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes before Kieran spoke up.

"It's not easy to move on from a family member's death, you know. My sister was the sole reason for me to live another day at that hellish household. After her death, I became suicidal. The only reason that I haven't given up on my life, is that I can't rest until I have avenged my sister! There's also you two but you know me, it's not enough for me to keep on living after I take my revenge..."

Takashi turned to his best friend.

The person in front of him is the most self-destructive person he knows.

Kieran has given up on his life long ago, the only emotions that he still have on his soul are slowly fading away.

He is clinging to his friends, the memories of his sister and the revenge for his sister's death to keep on living.

Takashi can't imagine the day Kieran takes his revenge.

He doesn't dare to think about what he might do after, as Kieran has always said he will 'give up'. Takashi believes he really will go through with it!

His friend needs a reason to live, Takashi silently prays in his heart for Kieran to find his 'reason' to live.

"I have some work to do, it will not take much. On my way home, I will get the groceries so you don't have to go get them. I will make both of your favourite foods." Takashi said getting up from the table.

Kieran's eyes lit up hearing the word 'food'!

"Lambchops, beer steak and grill-roasted pigeon!!!" Kieran shouted out his favourite foods, his mouth was already watering thinking about Takashi's delicious food.

As Takashi left the apartment he muttered smiling slightly.

"That suicidal foodie!"