Ya lyublyu tyebya.

At the misfit gang's apartment,

Nyx was laying in her bed under a thick blanket with a thermometer sticking out from her mouth.

Ana was sitting beside Nyx, she had a stern look on her face.

"You are not going any vhere!" Ana said putting a hand on Nyx's forehead feeling her temperature.

After a minute, she took the thermometers and saw the numbers on it.

Seeing the numbers, she wrinkled her brows.

"That'z concerning! You ztill 'ave 102 degreez Fa'ren'eit temperature on you." Ana stated.

"I von't let you out of dis bed until your fever goez down!"

"But I have to go and help fix the servers! I also have lots of work to do."

Nyx tried to get up but she was stopped by Ana.

"Don't let me repeat myzelf, Nyx!!!"

Seeing the scary expression on Ana's face, Nyx felt a shiver go through her body.

She deflated like a balloon and covered her face inside the covers of her blanket.

"Okaaaaay..." Nyx softly mumbled pouting.

Seeing Nyx's antics Ana found it cute.

Getting up from the bed, Ana went to concoct a potion for Nyx's fever.

It has been a while that they have moved here in Starfall city.

At first, everyone liked the weather but later on except for Erisviel, everyone started to hate the chilly snowy weather.

Nyx's body still hasn't adjusted to Starfall city's cold weather.

Ana is concerned for Nyx, she is currently researching on Nyx's immune system.

She found out that Nyx's immune system is a bit weaker than average.

She also looked into Aaron and found out that unlike Nyx, Aaron has above average immune system than most people.

Their physical state is completely the opposite of what they appear to be.

Her current research on creating an anti-body drug for Nyx, against the cold weather is almost finished.

But for now, Nyx has to make do with her traditional Tevittar ancient herbal concoctions.

The potions from such concoctions are bitter af!

5 minutes later, Ana finished making the potion for Nyx's fever.

Taking the potion, she walked towards the bed and sat beside Nyx on the edge of the bed.

"Now, Nyx get up and take your medz." Ana said tapping on the blanket a couple of times.

"It's bitter!" Nyx grumbled.

"It iz meant to be bitter. Quickly get up and take the potion, pleaze!" Ana requested.

"Okay, okay!" Nyx complained before she slowly sat up on the bed.

Taking the glass full of green awful looking juice that stinks of weird medicines, Nyx pinched her nose before gulping down the bitter potion.

Quickly finishing the glass, Nyx's face contorted feeling nauseous. She almost hurled up but managed not to vomit the green goblin blood that she drank!

"That's awful and horrible!!!" Nyx cried out, her eyes teared up feeling the horrible taste in her mouth.

"Now, now! It vazn't that bad." Ana patted Nyx's head consoling her.

"Hmm..." Nyx hummed feeling tired.

Seeing the cute expression on Nyx's face as she patted her. Ana's heart was struck by an arrow.

'Zhe's zo cuuute! I vant to pat 'er forever!!!' Ana said in her mind.

Comfortably laying Nyx on the bed, Ana went to the other side of the bed and joined Nyx under the blanket.

Nyx was surprised by Ana's sudden action's.

Her face turned pink from shyness.

'She's close!' Nyx said in her mind.

But Nyx never would have expected what happened next.

Ana snuggled on to Nyx and put Nyx's face on her bosom.

"Now that's better!" Ana said, looking down at Nyx.

'SHE'S DAMN TOO CLOSE!!!' Nyx screamed in her mind.

Aurora who was at the printing press was startled by Nyx's sudden scream in her mind.

'Close of the channel, please!' Aurora told Nyx, she doesn't know what's happening with Nyx. But whatever it is, she is busy and does not want her head bursting out with Nyx's screams in her mind.

Hearing Aurora, Nyx quickly shut off the telepathic channel connecting to Aurora.

Nyx's face, if previously was flushed pink. Then currently, it's red as a ripe tomato!

Looking up, Nyx saw Ana's heterochromia eyes.

Ana's deep blue and jade green beautiful eyes reflected on Nyx's eyes.

Her eyes were crystal clear, innocent and pure.

Nyx was mesmerised by Ana's beautiful eyes.

Those pure eyes reflected Ana's soul to Nyx.

"You would make a great wife, Ana..." Nyx smiled bitterly, burying her face on Ana's bosom.

"Why don't you marry me?" Nyx softly mumbled.

But Ana was able to catch on Nyx's faint voice.

"If you zay it like that, I might take up your offer, Nyx Aurelia-Rose Prince." Ana replied, surprising Nyx.

Nyx panicked when she found out that Ana was able to hear her.

She was about to tell Ana, that it was just a joke and laugh it off.

But before she could reply to Ana, Ana said some words that shocked Nyx silly to the core.

"I love you, Nyx!"

Aaron who was driving to Star city almost got into an accident.

He too blanked out for a second, hearing Ana's confession.

He decided to stop on the side or else if he blanked out once more he might get into an accident for real next time.

Seeing the shocked expression on Nyx's face.

Ana decided to tell Nyx about her feelings.

She thought a lot about her confession, but every time she wanted to confess to Nyx? Something pops up and she never gets the chance to confess.

Nyx is an extremely busy individual.

Nyx these days doesn't even get to hang out with the misfit gang because of her busy schedule.

She is finishing her studies, helping her Aunt Cassandra, working to expose Lyle Prince's true colours to the public, managing subsidiary companies that her parents have left to her. These companies have little ties with the Prince family. Many things are going on Nyx's life.

When Aaron got himself a girlfriend, Ana felt envious of Li Hwa.

Every time Nyx talked about Li Hwa with a smile on her face, Ana's heart stung from envy towards Li Hwa.

Ana wants to be like Li Hwa too, she also wants to occupy the place in Nyx's heart.

(A/N: I know these sentences sounds confusing, but remember that Nyx and Aaron are the same people. They are the same soul.)

How much longer would she have to wait?

If she waits for too long then it will be too late.

The live's of the misfit gang are chaotic, they never have free time for themselves. There's always something they are busy with, so when will she have the chance to confess?

Ana doesn't know why, but the words came out of her mouth on its own.

So she decided to confess right here, right now!

"Waa- ww- wha" Nyx was having trouble finding words to say, her mind was blank.

"I love you, Nyx! I 'ave been in love with you for yearz now."

"But you have a boyfriend!' Nyx replied.

"I don't! Brad and I broke up." Ana said giving a bitter smile to Nyx.

(A/N: Ya lyublyu tyebya. = I love you. In Russian.)