Cameron read the letter that Ana gave him.
On the letter, his daughter wrote how she managed to survive and was able to flee the Cage, to Country O.
She took the job of a residential worker in an orphanage.
A few years later she met a man and got married.
Unfortunately, later on after her marriage, she found out that she was terminally ill just like her mother.
It was at the same time she also found out that she was with child.
Her husband died in an accident a few months later.
She couldn't go back to the Cage to find Cameron afraid that the Cage will take her daughter just like her family.
Cameron closed the letter gently as he couldn't bear to read further.
Taking the picture from the table, he saw how happy his daughter was.
He had a gentle smile as he thought that his granddaughter looks just like his daughter when she was younger.
Sitting down on his chair, Cameron sighed.
He turned to Ana, who had a snake mask on her face.
He couldn't see her expression but her eyes showed pity towards him.
He thought about the conversation from before.
Thinking for a while, he asked Ana.
"Ms Dimitrova, I assume you will give me my granddaughter's whereabouts in return for the contract you have mentioned. Is that correct?"
Ana nodded hearing Cameron.
"Yes, I want Tevittarium among other precious materials from you. Off the record, leaving no trails! Of course, I will pay for the materials. In return, I will give you the whereabouts of your granddaughter."
Cameron nodded.
"I will also help you take your revenge, Mr Cameron," Ana said to Cameron.
Cameron frowned, Ana's words made him doubt her.
"Ms Dimitrova, do you know what you are speaking of?"
"Yes, I know."
Cameron narrowed his eyes.
"You, the puppet master who has control of 'The Market'. The authorities of the Cage doesn't know that they have lost 'The Market' years ago. Even the warden of the Market is working for you."
Hearing Ana, Cameron laughed.
"How long are you staying for, Ms Dimitrova?" Cameron asked Ana.
He has taken a liking to the girl in front of him.
"I will be leaving soon after I'm done with my business." Ana replied.
'She came prepared! Not only she passed a message to the Princess, but she also has me give in to her demands. Help me with my revenge? Pleasant words! An uprising? How long has it been?' Cameron said in his mind.
"The history of the Cage will only repeat itself, Ms Dimitrova." Cameron said guessing Ana's real reason for her visit.
Ana smiled hearing Cameron.
"I guess you have seen everything in the Cage, Mr Cameron."
"Not everything, I still haven't seen some things yet." Cameron replied.
"Every cycle of history has an end." Ana remarked.
"I'll look forward to it, Ms Dimitrova."
Soon, the two of them have agreed on the terms and quickly drawn up the contract before signing it.
(A/N: All this time, Ana and Cameron talked in Tevittar language. That's why Ana's dialogues didn't have an accent.)
"Vell, now that ve 'ave finished zigning up the contract let'z go to our next deztination." Ana said to the group.
"Where would you like me to lead you?" Zakior asked feeling tired.
"The 'Flower' vard!" Ana said turning to Zakior.
Zakior face paled hearing Ana.
"C-can we not go to the flower ward?" Zakior said stuttering.
Sweat started to form on his forehead.
"No! We muzt go to the flower vard!"
Zakior sighed before guiding the group to the 'Flower Ward'.
At the 69th ward.
Ana was leading the group.
The others were feeling embarrassed and awkward.
Most people at the ward had little to no clothes on them.
Some women and men approached the group.
"Hey, handsome! Is this your first time coming here?" A man said to Ian.
"How lovely you are, beautiful!" A woman said to Zulkernyn.
"Would you like to have some good time?" A teen girl said to Erisviel.
She looked to be the same age as Erisviel.
"Boy, wanna take a look inside?" A muscular man said to Zakior.
Zakior shuddered, hearing the man.
Some men and women also approached Ana, but she politely declined in Tevittarian.
Since the Cage is near the Tevittar territory, it's a common language inside the Cage.
Erisviel was blushing hard under her mask.
She felt embarrassed when half-naked men and women approached her.
Ian and Zulkernyn were having a hard time.
They get mad whenever any boys or men approach them but feel embarrassed and shy when any girl or women approach them.
Zakior kept on denying men and women both.
He flinches every time someone touches him.
"P-please, DONT TOUCH ME!" Erisviel said to a woman who caressed her back.
The woman was startled by her reaction.
Ana quickly approached the woman before she apologised.
"I apologise for her response, lovely one. It's their first time here."
The woman smiled to Ana before replying to her.
"It's okay, we are used to it. You and your group look to be from the upper wards. Are you going to the 'Garden'?"
Ana didn't reply.
"I heard there is a big sale today, too much crowd. Be careful, don't let your friend lose her ring and you too." The woman cautioned Ana.
"We are old, not young anymore. The younger girls are more in demand. The ward always pleases its customers. I'm sorry, we will be going now..." The woman turned to leave.
Ana called out to the woman.
She leaned forward near her ear and whispered to her.
"Why don't you and your friends have the night off? You look to be in distress."
She gave the woman a pouch before walking back to her group.
The woman was surprised by Ana's actions!
She stared at the girl who gave her the pouch of flowers.
"Thank you!" The woman said to Ana before leaving.
"Don't let anyone approach Erisviel!" Ana said to the guys in a serious tone.
She walked over to Erisviel and leaned closer to her before whispering.
"Don't loze it again, Eris!" Ana opened her palm.
Seeing her ring on Ana's hand, Erisviel paled not believing what she saw.
She didn't realise that someone took her ring!
She looked at her hand and saw there wasn't any ring on it.
"I-I'm sorry, Ana!" Taking the ring, Erisviel apologised for her carelessness.
Except for Zakior, the other guys were surprised too.
Ian and Zulkernyn nodded to Ana as they became more alert
Ana turned to Zakior before she asked him something.
"'ow much money do you 'ave?"
Zakior sighed before he replied to Ana.
"Enough. Just go and finish your purchase quickly."
Ana once more started to lead the group towards her next destination, the 'Flower Garden'.
A guard said to the group.
"VIP members only! Show us your membership cards."
"Tell 'Belial' that someone has come to collect her debt from five years ago." Ana said to the guards in Tevittarian.
The guards were enraged hearing Ana.
They thought Ana was disrespecting the owner of the 'Garden'.
They were about to attack Ana when Zakior showed the guards a tattoo on his left arm.
The guards paled in fear recogning the tattoo on Zakior's hand.
"Master Wolfgang!" The guards kneeled in front of Zakior.
Turning to Ana, Zakior snapped at her.
"Would you please, stop giving me the troubles. You said I will just be a guide!"
Ana shrugged in response.
"Go do what she told you!" Zakior instructed the guards.
Soon a woman arrived followed by a few maids and greeted the group.
"Welcome to the 'Flower Garden', Ms Dimitrova."
Ana nodded to the woman before replying.
"Let's finish this quickly, I don't have much time on my hands, Belial."
Belial nodded before telling the group to follow them.
Just as they turned around to go inside.
Everyone heard something from behind.
*thunk x2*
Turning around they saw Zakior standing with a knife on his hand and the guards were on the ground with blood coming out of their necks.
"Ah, sorry... They know too much. Haha!"
Ana rolled her eyes at Zakior.
Belial sighed before instructing one of her minds to clean up the mess.
The group then followed Belial inside the building.
"How can I repay my debt, Ms Dimitrova." Belial asked Ana as she took a seat in front of the group.
The group were in Belial's chamber.
"I want to vuy zome contractz. Alzo, you 'ave to make zure nothing tiez back to me." Ana replied to Belial.
"How much are we talking about?" Belial.
"Two million flowers." Ana.
"Pfft!" Zakior who was drinking tea spat everything out of his mouth, hearing Ana.
Even Belial was surprised by the amount Ana has stated.
"Would you like us to choose it for you or are you going to choose them by yourself, Ms Dimitrova!"
Thinking for a moment, Ana replied to Belial.
"I will choose them myself, give me all the contracts you have in the ward. All-female!"
"Give me some time to prepare the list for you."
Belial stood up from her seat before leaving the room.
"2 million flowers?" Zakior grumbled.
"You zaid you 'ave enough!" Ana retorted.
"Fine!" Zakior sobbed as he took out a cheque book.