A Solution.

Suddenly remembering something, Ana's face became serious!

"Do you really have to go so far? Are there no alternatives? The risks of this operation failing, are very high. There is a higher chance of permanent paralysis!" Ana said to Nyx about Aaron's operation.

Nyx fell silent.

After a few moments, Nyx took a deep breath before she gazed into Ana's eyes.

"Ana... You have no idea how it feels like, and how worse it can get! In my previous life, there was magic. It helped me reinforce my body and helped me keep my body in check. But in this life, there's no magic! One day, I will lose my ability to move and the pain will also increase gradually. I don't think I will be able to hold on to my sanity before I do something crazy, like suicide or something! I need this, my body needs it! Please, don't try to change my mind, Ana..." Nyx replied to Ana before she turned back and went to her seat.

Ana bit her lips.

Aaron has created a new device that sends periodic shocks to the nervous system that wakes up the nerves from the idle state.

Nyx/Aaron asked Ana to fuse that device on Aaron's spine.

The operation is an extremely risky procedure, because if there is any slightest mistake in installing the device on Aaron, then Aaron will be paralysed permanently.

Aaron/Nyx have already made all the preparation and asked Ana to do the operation.

The only other person beside Ana who knows about this operation is, Sabastian.

The other misfits including Aurora, don't know about it.

Ana understands why Aaron hasn't told the others about it.

Because the others, surely will object against the operation and won't let him go through with the procedure.

Seeing Ana's difficult face, Nyx spoke up.

"I hate this curse of mine. You have no idea what I go through every day, because of my passive idleness curse. Ana, it's not a disease but a mystical curse! I can't get up from bed after waking up, it takes time for me to gain control of my body. It hurts! If it was paralysis, it would have been fine, I can accept that. However, it's not paralysis. I can feel my body but can't move! My whole body is in constant pain, there's no stop button, it's always like this. Always in pain! Every time I get used to the pain, the pain increases after some period. Sometimes my body abruptly stops moving and I drop down on the ground, incapable to move by myself. Do you know that there are times I can't move, I piss in my pants or worse, s*it on my pants! Do you know how many times Aurora, Sabastian, Zulkernyn and Ian, helped me from such events? Public or private, numerous times that I have lost count! Ana, I don't think I can live normally if I don't get that device connected to me. Aaron will not be able to live without it!"

hearing Nyx, Ana got up from her seat and went towards Nyx before she hugged her.

"I'm sorry..." Ana softly muttered.

Nyx shook her head before replying to her.

"No, I'm sorry about this... I just couldn't help myself. It's been on my mind for a few days and I've been imagining the responses of others..."

"It's okay."

"I know I'm asking too much of you, but you're the only one I trust who can do this, Ana. If you can't do this, no one can't. And I believe you can do it! Please, Ana!" Nyx pleaded to Ana in a tone that made her sound like she was begging her.

Ana took a deep breath before deciding to do the operation on Aaron.

"I will do it!" She said to Nyx.

Nyx hugged Ana tightly before letting go.

The two changing the topic from the operation, talked about other things in their life.

(A/N: ^^^ The whole conversation was in Tevittarian.)


"Can someone tell me, why is the whole neighbourhood of our apartment building is crawling with the people from the Heilige family?" Ian said in an irritated tone, arriving at the clubhouse.

Zulkernyn, Aaron, Erisviel and Sabastian were playing games on the game station.

None of the four replied to Ian.

Watching his four misfit friends ignoring him.

He got angry and upset.

"Really! No one is going to tell me what's happening? Seriously!!!" Ian yelled approaching the couch where the four of them were sitting and playing games at.

Walking towards them, he stood beside the couch.

He got more upset noticing that the four of them had their ears blocked by earphones that cancel all surrounding sounds.

"Fu*k!" Ian cursed before taking off their earpods.

"The fuc*!" Sabastian.

"Hey!!!" Erisviel.

"Bro!!!" Zulkernyn.

"Ian!!!" Aaron.

Ian rolled his eyes at his friends

The four misfits turned to Ian and looked at him with annoyed expressions on their face.

"Can anyone tell me, why is the whole neighbourhood of our apartment building is crawling with the people from the Heilige family?"

The four of them clicked their tongue simultaneously before turning back to the screen in front of them.

"It's because they heard rumours of Sabastian's attack. The Heilige family sent those idiots to verify the authenticity of the rumours they heard, also to keep an eye on Sabastian. However, because of Nyx, Aurora and Aaron, they couldn't get any information. That's why they are camping outside or whatever." Erisviel replied to Ian without looking at him.

"How the fu*k did they found out about that? Didn't we and Sabastian's sister made sure that there won't be any leaks of this matter?" Ian said feeling confused.

Hearing Ian, Sabastian replied to Ian.

"It's because I leaked those rumours."

Ian was stumped, hearing Sabastian.

"Why? After all the hard work, why did you gave up the information about you being attacked? All of the things we did to put a lid on it, what's the point of it!"

Aaron spoke up.

"It wouldn't have benefited us if it were made public before. We wouldn't have handled the pressure from the Heilige family. We were unprepared back then."

"The current situation is very beneficial for us. We are now prepared for anything. You have seen those idiots are now camping outside the apartment building, right? Now I can control everything they see or hear. The rumours have benefits to me and Nyx. Nyx spread the rumours of her being attacked by Lyle's men and Lyle wanting to sabotage Nyx's relationship with the Heilige family. I spread the rumours of some elders attacking me, to keep those elders of the Heilige family in check. My sister spread rumours of Death Parade wanting to assassinate the next Sword Saint of the Heilige family. Currently, there's an uproar between the Heilige family and the Prince family. As for the Death Parade? My parents last night destroyed 3 of their bases in rage." Sabastian said to Ian after Aaron finished speaking.

Zulkernyn sighed as he died in the game.

He turned to Ian and told him.

"We are still not sure about Death Parade and Declan Harrington's relationship, yet."

Ian sighed.

"At least let me know about all of these, don't leave me out of your plans!" He said to the four of them.

"Well I don't care, so don't tell me anything. I'm just going to ignore what you are guys doing, I have several weeks of work to look after at Arrow tech." Erisviel said in a lazy voice.

"I only found out about this 10 minutes ago." Zulkernyn stated.

Sabastian turned to Ian.

"I thought you said you don't like plots and schemes." He said looking at Ian.

"I don't! I'm not made for that kind of stuff." Ian replied to Sabastian.

"Well, then you're better of as a combat tactician than a schemer." Aaron said to Ian.

Ian shook his head before he picked up a controller and joined the four to play with them.

"Yeah, still give me a heads up so I know what's going on."

Aaron and Sabastian shrugged before started playing.