A Thug of Nameless.

At a restaurant, Ian and Aaron were talking about Nameless over food.

"So Ember has already taken charge of Stardust City. It completely belongs to us. Terry wants to open up an underground market and connect the market with the 7 pardoned cities. I have taken a look at his proposal, it's good if you want my opinion about it." Ian told Aaron about the work he and Zulkernyn finished in Stardust city.

Aaron hummed giving a nod to Ian before taking a small bite of his steak.

"That's good to hear. I will take a look at it and see how good his proposals are. Presently, we have conquered about 18% of Starfall City. We are comparable to the big shot organisations in here. But there are some organisations, who are too mysterious. I asked Zulkernyn to take a look at it, he will let me know when his investigations are finished. Also, in terms of strength, against the organisations in the city? We have a huge disadvantage! Ember is expanding rapidly, we are recruiting a lot of people, however, it's not enough. We lack the manpower like the other organisations!" Aaron said to Ian in a serious tone.

"Yes, we were lucky that Zulkernyn was able to grab an idiot like Zhirkov. If we could only find someone or grab some mid-tier organisation without a raid then we will be able to contend with the other organisations in the city." Ian replied hearing Aaron.

Aaron went silent.

He mentally listed some organisations and tried to think of a solution to their current situation over 'human resources'.

As Ian has said, if only they could grab some middle-tier organisation...

Then it would be easy for them.

But how?

Middle-tier organisation leaders are full of arrogant fools, they only fear the strong high-tier organisations, not the same tiers as them or lower than them.

After thinking for a couple of minutes, Aaron had an idea!

"Let's incite a gang war! Let's start with a lower scale one, that we would slowly manipulate and scale-up causing an uproar from the low-tiers to the middle-tiers. But first, we need to get some low-tier organisations under us! Instead of targeting the mid-tiers, let's target the low-tiers. We can slowly integrate the low-tiers under us into a mid-tier organisation. We will use that organisation to cause a war!" Aaron told Ian about his idea.

After listening to Aaron's idea in detail over the meal, Ian smiled acknowledging Aaron's idea.

"Yes, we can do that! Your schemes are practical for our current dilemma. If we can manipulate the war, then we can do something about the middle-tiers. No organisation would turn away an ally, in desperate moments of need. The process would be slow but we can slowly take over any organisation, given time if we can infiltrate them. We just need to recruit or send someone to them, who can infiltrate without any difficulty and poison the organisation from the inside!"

Hearing Ian, a face popped in Aaron's mind.

There is a person Aaron knows, who can infiltrate any mid-tier organisation and no one would suspect a thing!

His personality to his appearance, everything screams 'Arrogant muscle brain thug'.

Even if anyone investigates him, no one would find anything fishy because he has a trashy backstory on his character bio.

A complete thug, the word 'Hoodlum' describe the exact nature of his background and personality.

"There's no need to find someone. We already have someone under us, who exactly fits all criteria of our infiltrator that we need." Aaron said to Ian, forming a smirk.

Ian creased his brows and tried to guess the person Aaron thought of.

He widened his eyes figuring out the person who fits the bill in their organisation.

For this kind of missions, they can't send just anyone from Ember.

They need someone capable, especially someone who can ensure that they are suitable for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness.

"Hidelio!" Ian named the person who fits all the criteria of their infiltrator.

"Yes." Aaron confirmed.


Hidelio woke up in some alleyway.

He couldn't remember how he ended up sleeping beside a dumpster box.

Looking around, he saw some old men sitting nearby, playing cards.

One of them called out to Hidelio seeing him awake from his sleep.

"Son, you alright?"

Hidelio turned to the old man who called out to him.

The old man was wearing worn-out clothes and a pink beanie on his head.

"I'm alright... Just hungover..." Hidelio replied scratching his butt cheeks under his pants with one hand while holding his head with the other.

His head was throbbing like crazy and he was nauseous.

"We drank your booze." Another old man spoke turning to Hidelio.

"It's fine, old man... Just hearing the word 'booze' made my head hurt like, it's splitting apart! Argh..." Hidelio groaned massaging his forehead.

"You in a gang, son?" The old man with the beanie asked Hidelio.

"Na, haven't joined any. Just did odd jobs here and there. No one took me in, they say I'm reckless." Replied Hidelio walking towards the group of four old men.

The four old men laughed hearing Hidelio.

Reckless is an understatement.

Last night, the boy in front of them fought with a group of 19 people, while drunk.

The leader of the group was someone well-known on the streets.

A higher-up member of a local middle-tier organisation.

The fact that the young man in front of them fought with the leader because the group was blocking his way, is not reckless...

It's downright crazy!!!

After beating the crap out of the group, he passed out nearby.

The four old men brought him to their alley and dumped him beside the dumpster box.

"Thanks." Hidelio thanked the four old men.

At least they helped him and bought them here.

If not, he would've woken up in a cell at some police station.

That's one of the usual scenarios when something like this happens to him.

"No problem, we got to drink some booze so we're fine!"

Hidelio checked his pockets.

He didn't find his wallet or phone.

He turned to the old men and was about to ask them if they know anything about it.

"Here, your wallet and phone."

Hidelio was surprised!

"Honest fellows, huh." He commented taking the phone.

"Keep the wallet, I don't need it. It's not mine anyway."

Hearing Hidelio, the old man pocketed the wallet.

"Good luck, son. Hope you don't end up dead, that guy you fought will surely take revenge on you!"

Walking away, Hidelio replied without looking back.

"Then I'll beat his s*itty ass again!"


Ian and Aaron were at an arcade.

They have the entire day to themselves, so they came to the arcade to have some fun.

"Erisviel called me to send her an assistant. Did you make Erica the head of the intelligent department? Why? I checked up with Erina and she informed me that she has resigned from Nameless. Since when did Erina become your direct subordinate? What's up with that?" Ian inquired Aaron about the changes he made.

Aaron was silent.

He was thinking of how he should reply to Ian.

He can't just straight up tell Ian that he is giving Erina a chance to pursue his sister.

If Erina had stayed in Nameless, Aurora would have done her best to keep Erina away from pursuing her.

Pulling up excuse cards such as 'I'm your boss' or keeping Erina busy with assignments for Nameless, etc.

Since Erina is under his care now, Aurora can't do anything to Erina to push her away giving out horrible excuses or assignments.

Aurora is his sister, however, that doesn't mean she can order or do anything against his subordinates.

Erina is being protected by him and has his support to pursue Aurora.

"I'm just trying to thaw a centuries-old heart. Don't ask, man. You don't want to tangle yourself up in these matters. Trust me, you don't!" Aaron said in a serious tone.

Ian was confused, he didn't understand what Aaron meant.

"Really, just tell me!" Ian insisted on asking Aaron to tell him.

"It concerns the matters of the heart, the emotion called love, physical and emotional intimacy."

Ian shut his mouth.

"Stop!!!" He replied to Aaron before continuing to playing the game in silence.

As Aaron has said if it's related to 'that' stuff then it's better not to get entangled-up in it.