Kenji Sakazaki. (Part 2)

Erisviel was at her office in Star City.

After reviewing the documents one last time, Erisviel sighed finishing her work.

Tidying up the documents in their respective files, she got up from the chair.

4 days ago, Aaron made some changes at Nameless.

He made Erica, who is Eriviel's PA. The head of the Intelligence branch of Nameless.

Erina unexpectedly resigned from her positions as the head of the Intelligence branch.

So to fill the position, Erica was made to be the branch leader.

After, Erina resigned from her position. She joined Aaron as his deputy.

When Erisviel confronted Aaron about why he made such abrupt changes without even telling her?

Aaron's response was, 'It was necessary to melt a centuries-old iceberg.'

That's the only thing, Aaron repeatedly replied no matter how many times Erisviel asked.

Even the others didn't have any luck with Aaron to tell them the real reason for the changes he made.

Aaron's mouth is tight shut!

Abruptly losing her PA, Erisviel's workload increased by 3x times.

She asked Ian for a replacement but it will take some time to get someone vetted.

Erisviel was annoyed and angry at Aaron for increasing her workload.

For now, she will have to work alone until a replacement is ready for the PA role.

It has been three days that Erisviel arrived at Star City.

In the past three days, Erisviel found out how much she relied on her PA.

She is extremely tired and only had a few hours of sleep, working alone.

Stretching her neck and body for a minute, she called the assistant of the PR director.

"Julia, tell Richards to take the files from my desk and work with the Marketing department for this project. The main focus of our operating system is AI. Tell him that I need a sales pitch by the end of the month." Erisviel told Julia.

"Yes, ma'am."

Ending the call, Erisviel took a deep breath and sighed.

"Now, I need some rest..." She muttered before leaving her office.


At Takashi's apartment.

On the dining table, Aurora was talking to Kenji.

Takashi was setting up the table for breakfast.

Lucretia has already left for school and Kieran was still asleep.

Usually, Kieran wakes up early but today he was sleeping late.

Takashi assumed, Kieran probably got drunk that's why he was still asleep.

Since Takashi doesn't know when Kieran will wake up, he put Kieran's breakfast in the fridge.

Kieran can heat his breakfast with the microwave and eat his meal whenever he wants.

"Aniki doesn't let me go out and have fun, he always lectures me about how dangerous is this and how dangerous is that. I know that I'm sick but that doesn't mean that I will die or something if I have some fun!" Kenji complained to Aurora.

Hearing Kenji, Takashi quickly responded.

"I don't always lecture you, Kenji! I only do it when your demands are excessive. You know that Starfall City's weather is not good for you, even a common cold will have you bedridden for a month. Your body is weak, your immune system is weak. I'm just concerned about my baby brother, I'm not barring you from any fun."

"But staying at home, 24/7 is not fun, Takashi!"

Aurora sighed and rubbed her temple.

Kenji was complaining about Takashi and how Takashi treats him.

At the same time, Takashi kept on justifying his actions.

The two brothers were bickering back and forth.

At first, Aurora and Kenji had a normal conversation.

About how Aurora and Takashi met, their family and about themselves.

Then a sudden shift in their conversation about 'How good of a brother Takashi is' turned to an argument.

Kenji noticed Aurora's tired face.

He apologised to Aurora feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry, I made you uncomfortable."

Aurora shook her head and replied to Kenji.

"It's okay, you don't have to be sorry or anything. But I do get why he is overly concerned about you, Kenji! I also have a younger twin, who is sick. Unlike you, he is a reckless fool."

"Your condition is special. He is afraid that if anything ever happens to you, it will be his fault. He can't live with the failure and disappointments of not living up to his promise to your grandparents and you." Aurora told Kenji.

Kenji bit his lips looking down.

"I know but I feel like a prisoner at home, I want to have fun and go out. I feel suffocated at home, caged up in my room... I want him to spend more time with me, he is always busy with work that I don't get to spend time with him much" Kenji softly replied, feeling sorry.

Takashi walked towards Kenji and placed a hand on his head.

"I'm sorry, you feel like that way, Kenji... But if it weren't for this city not suitable for your condition, I wouldn't have barred most of your outdoor activities. I'm also sorry, that we don't get to spend much time. So, I promise to you that I will make more time for you. Even Aurora will spend some time with you from now on. I only want what's best for you, Kenji. Your health is my top priority!" Ruffling Kenji's hair, Takashi said to him.

"Hey, why throw me in there with you? I'm busy, I have work. LOTS OF WORK! I also have a brother and my friends, I don't have much free time on my hands!" Aurora said turning to Takashi.

"You live with your brother and friends, Kenji doesn't live with me. You don't have much work, just be honest you are overworking yourself even knowing that there's no need for you to work that hard." Takashi replied smirking at Aurora.

He plans to use Kenji to spend more time with Aurora.

Not only he will get to spend some time with her, but he can spare some time for Kenji as well.

Achieving two goals at once.

Aurora saw Kenji giving her the sad puppy look, it looked cute as AF!

She couldn't resist this cute cinnamon roll.

Kenji's cute charms completely captured her heart.

"I-uhm-I... Dammit!" Aurora couldn't come up with any excuses.

She cursed at Takashi in her mind a few times before breathing out a defeated sigh.

Changing the topic, she asked Kenji about what Takashi just said.

"You don't live here?"

Kenji shook his head.

"No, I don't. That's why I feel all alone at home with no one by my side. It's complicated..." Kenji made a difficult face scratching his head before revealing some matters regarding his situation at the Sakazaki clan.

"Aniki is adopted. He is not the heir of our branch. The Sacred Society gives too much importance to their lineages. Since I'm the last of our branch, there's a lot of people in the Sakazaki clan who want to get rid of me. If I die, the branch resources will be divided among the other branches. Aniki is not the head of our branch. He is currently acting as my proxy, so he has the same authority as me. With my condition and the situation at the clan, if 'they' kill me? Then they can blame it on Aniki or make up some story that I succumbed to my illness or something. Furthermore, Aniki thinks the security here is not enough for me. That's why I don't live here."

Aurora can make out Kenji's situation after listening to him.

She didn't reply to him since it involves the Sakazaki clan.

Not wanting to talk more about the matters of the Sacred Society, Aurora changed the topic of their conversation to breakfast.

Takashi served the food to them before taking a seat to join them.

As they were about to dig in on their breakfast, they heard a grumpy voice.

"Why are you here? And again, TAKASHI! You should have woken me up. I'm hungry!!!"

The three turned to the voice and saw a grumpy Kieran looking at the food on the table with hungry eyes.