Author Hyacinth's mental world (Volume 3)

Hello everyone!

I just finished the third volume of this crappy novel I'm writing...



I've come so far that I'm surprised at myself

How the F was I able to write 3 volumes of this thing!!!

I started writing for fun then I got into it and it was one of the few things that helped me kill off boredom.

My health was pretty bad and it still is, but with this book, it's good that I got a hobby to pass my time.

At first, I started in English here. Then a couple of months later I started to write it in my mother tongue then translate the book into English.

It's easier this way for me.

Surprisingly, last December I got a publishing offer in my country and I took it.

I published over 2k books in paperback in my native tongue.

The story of the native version is vastly different from the English version.

So it's hard to follow up to write two different plot at the same time.

Yet here I'm finishing my 3rd volume here.

I thank the readers for supporting and reading this piece of crap! lol...

For tge fourth volume, I'm going to focus on Aurora and ger struggle to accept the people and let them in her heart.

A bug about Zulkernyn and his love interest.

Erisviel and her love interest.

Dealing with Andromalius, new villains in the story more bits of pieces about the world and slowly reveal more of the 23 Sacred family and clans.

Probably will write a few spicy scenes for Nyx and Ana, Aaron and Li Hwa. *wink wink*

Sabastian, Aaron, Nyx and Ana will appear less in the fourth volume.

Also, a couple of big reveals for Nyx and Ana.

So far that's the gist of volume 4 of this crappy book.

So there's another piece of information I want to share.

The publisher I'm contracted with for the native version of the book called me a couple of days ago informing me that there will be a book festival in a month.

They asked me to redraft the 2nd volume of the native version I'm going to work on that for a while.

Aside from that, I have to plan the fourth volume here and research for a while.

So I will go on a 3-4 week Hiatus to work on it and research!

Thank you for reading this crappy book of mine, and good luck everyone!

I will return soon with regular chapters in no time, bye and have fun!!!