

"Dear Kai and Dense,

I hope you are fine. We are doing fine. We recieved your letter. We couldn't answer as we are having training for different terrains. The are saying we'll join the war soon. But don't worry. We'll only have to take care of the wounded soldiers. The most battlish thing we'll have to do is probably self defense. We are not allowed to say much. We are being watched as we write this letter. Just know we are fine.

Hope to be back soon.

Your's truly,

Mom and dad.

That's the end of the letter master. Shall I write a letter?"

"Yes, that would be great."

"What do you want me write?"

"Just tell them how we are, what we are doing, perhaps tell them about Tachibana."

"Are you sure of that master?"

"Yes, I am. I don't know if we'll recieve the next letter anyway. So, might as well just write it."

Kaigara didn't stop me from saying that. Nor did Tachibana or Aiko. We just took it as reality. We are not gonna take it emotionally anymore. Perhaps, we are being rude but judging from the situation we are in, it's only the truth.

"Alright, master. Do you want to add anything master Kai?"

"Tell them about our challenge perhaps. Maybe tell them about our weight loss."

"Alright, then."

Gloomy, that is the weather of this household now. We just keep sitting closing our eyes. Aiko goes to compose the letter.

"Time, you cruel gipsy man, will you not stop."

"Hey, Dense?"

"Yea, what is it, Tachibana?"

"You are fine, right?", Tachibana comes out to the balcony.

"Yeah, I am."

"Don't be sad. Atleast you know that they are safe."

I look at her. She is smiling facing the sun. The yellow hue of the setting sun is one her face, making her smile look even more sad. I finally realize what she meant. She hasn't got any letter from her parents. We're so stupid to be sad when she doesn't even know if her parents are alive or not. Yet she is here for me, cheering me on, so I won't be sad.

"Are you fine, by the way?", I ask.

"Why are you asking this all on a sudden?"

"Just answer me."

"Yeah, I guess."

I Know that is a lie. I won't force her to spit it out or anything. Not because it'd be rude, because it's her choice to make, whether or not to show her feelings.

"You know something?", she asks.


"Everyone doesn't need the same amount of sorrow, realization or age to understand what reality is. Some knows reality from the beginning of their life, some realizes it on their sick bed, some people don't even realize it, even after going through struggle and pain. They just lock themselves up in their room, thinking life is just pain for them or they don't belong there. And what was the cause behind it you ask? Perspective is the answer. If you just look at it from one side and say it's bad, that would be insulting the people, things, feelings on the other sides you haven't discovered. Then you just become the thing you hated most in the first place. Ignoring, hate, abundoning, these are the things you hate? Then, why are you giving these to other people then?"

I've never heard her being so serious. She is right though. The question is not when you realize what is real, the question is if you realize it or not and how much did you realize. And what you do with that realization, do you just stay sad or pick up more pace. I shouldn't be stopping at what I'm given, I have to earn more, that is what is success.

"You know, Tachibana? None of us should be sad. Nor me neither you. We should do what we are supposed to do, what they hope for us to do and what we hope for us to do.", I smile at her.

"I guess you are right." She smiles back at me.

And when we open our eyes, we both look at each other. Oh god! I'm really happy to be alive that I got to see her beautiful face. She closes her eyes, so do I. We gradually get closer to each others face. There's probably a molecule amount of gap left between our lips.


Spank on the ass. Yes, she spanked Tachibana too, slowly, like a butterfly smooch. And what about me you ask?? If I were a drum there would be a massive hole in me.

"What do you think you two are doing?! I know you two are couple but no banging before marriage!!"

"Ehh!! We were not gonna do that!! It was just a smooch!!"

"Ow, I know where that smooch would've ended!!"

"What do you mean?", asks Tachibana.

"The smooch would've ended somewhere down there!"

"What!! He'll never do that!!! I mean it'd probably feel real good. I mean I'm not asking for it or anything. He can if he wants..."

Yup, she is receiving another spank from the one and only spanky.

"Are you alright, Tachibana-san!! Hey, don't spank her like that! She can't handle it!!"

"What? You want to have her share instead."

I hesitate for a moment but she shouldn't get spanked like that. If someone were to spank her that'd be.... What the fuck am I thinking!!! I hate my mind!

"Alright spank me instead."

"What!! No! I saw you fantasising about her spanks right now!!"

"I did not!!"

"Yes you did!"

"Do you really like my spanks that much master."

"Why are acting lewd?"

"Hey, what are you guys doing here, bang party or something?", Kaigara says casually.

Rest in peace my friend. Thanks for taking all our spanks on yourself. May your white buttock rest in peace.

Sadness makes happiness taste sweet I guess.