"Oye, Oye ! Are you being serious ?", Arata said. He did expect shit to be happening, but the enemy wanted them dead. But too bad for them, the Zipang squad is underestimated.

"You gonna fucking die for having eyes !", one of the 12 people said as he rushed in. There were two gold ranks, and the rest of them were silver ranks. This was definitely the Wushuang squad and the Ikta squad.

Wait, aren't they the families ? Arata thought. Why have the families turned against the empire ? Is it because the martial arts were now passed to descendants which were not of the families ? But the Alvarez Empire didn't change anything. What is that about. No time to think right now ! Let's fight !

There were silver ranks but, Arata and Rachel had taken care of them with ease. None of the Zipang squad even lifted their finger. Rachel and Arata took care of them, easy. EASY !

"Monsters...", cried one of them.

"That was quick. How dare you kill our family members !", the leader of the Wushuang squad, Mubai Wushuang screamed as he jumped towards Arata.

"You never learn your lesson huh ? IKTA SOLORK !", said as Yahi Solork rushed towards Solork. Solork hadn't fought a real battle in ages, and definitely was itching for it.

Mubai Wushuang was strong, stronger than Solork atleast, Arata thought. He definitely needed help. He ran and ran.

"Fast on your feet huh ? That won't help.", Mubai said. Actually, Mubai's attacks were fast. Faster than Arata's dodging. This level of ensemble duel, he wasn't prepared for it.

"You fucker !", said Rachel coming in between. Yes ! Arata thought, if we worked together, we can probably overpower this guy. The enemies he faced now, were of understandable strength. But soon he would meet the monsters, who he would never have imagined, but that is later in the story.

Arata and Rachel had spiritual weapons. And after Rachel blocked the attack by Mubai Wushuang, he realised that it was a spiritual weapon.

"Your crafter must be Solork huh ? Only he can make spiritual weapons here. But that won't be enough, as I too have one !", Mubai laughed.

"This is bad. But we haven't tested our weapons yet have we ?", Arat said to Rachel.

"Yes ! Let's beat him together ! Let's create our immortal game !", Rachel said excitedly.

Both knew how the other fought. And thought about it. And rushed in. They signalled with their eyes, but held off a fight with Mubai Wushuang.

"Interesting ! Very Interesting !", Mubai screamed excitedly too. He was not expecting for measly bronze ranks to fight toe to toe with him. "Who are you people !", Wushuang asked.

"Our names aren't as cheap as that, you have to pay it with your life !", Arata said with a smug.

This angered Mubai Wushuang. And you're dead as soon as you get angered. That was Rachel's intention. Wushuang's action did become more predictable. This is something Arata had learned from Rachel. Rachel did not miss this opportunity. She went for few sneaky attacks which put Wushuang at a disadvantage. Arata knew Wushuang wasn't angry enough, so we had to make him loose his mind.

"What the fuck are you doing, struggling against us who just passed their test a month ago. Shame on you and your whole fucking martial arts family.", Arata said as he spat.

That was it. Mad Wushuang rushed in without thinking with blind rage. Arata and Rachel did few quick moves, He was still stronger though. But Rachel managed to stab his heart. Arata had gotten a few cits as he handled the dangerous stuff.

"Very interesting rankers !", he cried as he died. Phew ! That was one monster dead.