Lust was very familiar with the parties and the types of people she should be when visiting them. Not actually visiting them, but scouting them. There were always newspaper reporters outside the gate of the Party office which are trying to get a scoop for their newspapers. They were the best source of rumours for the people and knew the most about the political leaders of every party.
Then, leave it to Lust to talk like a politician ! In the end, she managed to get information for some of the influential leaders of C.U.P and what they did in the past by talking to numerous reporters.
There were the higher ministers, which Arata had to assassinate personally, as they had many guards and were almost never in the open like the Prime minister, and the big ministers of higher departments. The workers of the party could be assassinated in a meeting or places of crises by Rachel, Greed And Envy.
She did the same with the Congress and then formulated a list based on their positions and the type of work done. Sloth actually did not sloth, she went to the residences of each of these people, who had safe mansions to make Arata's job easier. She also scouted the surroundings of their houses and gained their timetable. Her figure dashed around the whole city, after images also not seen by the people, like a shadow which is omnipresent over the city.
Most of the mansions had an insane amount of traps and keycodes. Even Sloth, who was very familiar with them, was surprised at some of these and the intricacies of them. There were traps which required a certain weight enter, if the weight was over or under the limit, then all hell would fall on them. Everyone in the city would know, that someone had entered the room or a particular destination. Even the most trusted guards were either not allowed in there or they received extreme protection. All in all, there must have been many assassination cases in these controversial leaders, therefore their security was maxed out. It was upto Arata now to break through their perfect Security system.
Meanwhile, Arata, Rachel, Envy and Greed were having a picnic. Because they wanted to. They didn't really have anything to do, so basically they went around the town, the most modern city over the peninsula. There were libraries, Concert Halls, Top class restaurants and some even had cooling systems called ACs. Taxis bustled around the street, banners of famous novelists and Dramatists went around. They also went and watched a film. It was truly a fun time for them.
"OK, so this is the information we gathered so far.", Lust on the table said.
"Go ahead.", Arata said.
"There is the prime minister, who cannot be assassinated in the next 5 days because he isn't going out of the mansion. So you have to assassinate his security guard first and then you can trick him or something. Better trusted he is, the more chances of assassinating him. But he should be saved for the last, as we need a blast to end your spree so Shuri can gain the maximum moment.", Lust said.
So basically, Shuri is going to make the Joint people's party influential people responsible, obtain evidence and then she and her dummies can rise into power, Arata thought.
"Next, Home minister, Finance Minister, Advancement Minister and Education minister and basically running the country. Most powerful people are allied with them only, and are powerless on their own. The people who are not in their faction, are left to Shuri for handling.", Lust said while concluding her speech.
"So you are expecting Shuri to make her own party ?", Rachel asked.
There was a pause in the discussion. Rachel had implied that she didn't know Shuri's calibre and did not trust someone who she hadn't met.
"That's exactly correct.", Gluttony replied this time, breaking the silence.