"Irashai masen !", she said.

A foreigner !, Arata thought. He hadn't been exposed to foreigners from the beginning and there were really less of them in the Clover kingdom. Arata did not really have the adventuring spirit in his youth. He liked moments which brought excitement, but wasn't really open and a wish to go out and see the world.

"He is from the Alvarez. So speak English !", Greed said back to her.

"Oh ! Nice to meet you ! My name is Hinata Kobayashi. I am from the Clover kingdom but my parents were sailors from Nihon.", she said.

"I see… Where is Nihon ?", Arata asked her, as he entered her house.

"Don't you know ?", Hinata said with a curious look. "You aren't really interested in the world are you ?", she said with a mocking look. Arata kept silent on this remark.

But he had to say, the apartment looked unique. The windows were big and looked like doors, and there was a wooden polished balcony. It looked good. Perhaps he would apply some Ideas from here.

"It's past the shore of the Eastern Clover Kingdom. It's a group of Islands. There are more migrants in the Eastern Clover than here in the western Region. There is even a region specific in the Eastern Spade for them.", Hinata replied.

"I see. The world outside is big right ?", Arata asked her.

"It sure is. People of Nihon go in search of new lands like this one and try settling there. Most people from the islands have the Adventuring spirit.", Hinata replied.

"Should we get on for the job, Arata ?", Greed asked, interrupting the conversation.

"Yes sure ! I wanna see !", Arata replied.

"Oh, you are taking a person for assassination ? He is in this building right? Wait… seriously ! That person !", Hinata exclaimed.

"Yup ! You would have guessed. Now, let's go Arata !", Greed said.

The target was on the top most floor. He didn't hold any position, but had power. And he used it for the betterment of the country. He was truly a down-to-earth person, which made the assassination easier. That's why, even without Sloth's surveys, he could be assassinated. Greed knew her security systems very well, so she was confident in this and even allowed Arata to see how she assassinated people.

First up, there was a passcode lock. This was probably the safest type of lock for doors and cupboards. They were newly developed by Fernando Corbato. But, to those who knew about locks, it would be a simple task for them to break open this. The trick lied in Greed's speciality. The inside of the lock contained electronics containing lithium ion batteries and circuits developed by George Boole. It also contained Graphite and some Insulators, all of which have less melting point. So except the body, the insides are actually pretty delicate. If Greed concentrated all her power on one point, she could melt the inside and destroy the lock, and open it at the same time.

It was silently and beautifully done, the outer lock looked as before, but the concise heating had broken down the lock.

Atleast it was known that at this time, the target was awake at his home. Sloth did say that most of the higher ups had a grooming session at this hour, so they had reached his house at this assumption.

"Who is there !?", the voice came from inside, as Greed and Arata stepped in.