Well, Seok got to live for a few more days. Arata wanted to keep the prime minister for the day before the banquet, no on the time of the banquet. So basically, there were three days left. So Arata was going to get rid of the important ministers. Who were the Education, Home and Finance. Other ministers were being assassinated by Rachel, Greed and Envy.

The Education Minister was kind of the same as the Technology minister. The exam and then become a school teacher. Except the job was different. Well, Arata decided to do this by himself. Because the exam giving and breaking in had become cliche for him, he is just gonna go ahead and assassinate him.

In the night. With the black clothes around him. And the swift movements. With a rope line to the other side of the building. Have a servant bribe and leave the window open. Open the window and enter the room. Slit the throat while making no noise. Checking the drawers and cupboards. And then after finishing up, just escape.

Well, that was boring, Arata thought.

"They are falling like Flies !", the prime minister said. He was very furious right now. He lost two ministers from his party and many other small ministers like the Agricultural Minister, Mechanical Minister etc. Only the Army General and the other 2 main ministers were left. And he was feeling threatened.

"Sir, we cannot do anything. We should negotiate with whoever is doing them. None of our security systems work against them. It has been two days. More than 20 important people are dead and none of the people closest to them even know what is happening.", the Home Minister said.

"Well, that's true. I guess it's time to get our spies into play. Let's call upon Tsukishima and Milana.", the Finance Minister said.

"Didn't they go to Alvarez Empire to live ? What happened to them after that. They were the most talented spies. Milana also proved her worth by giving away the Spade kingdom's secrets.", the prime minister said.

"OK. Let's do that. We will call them the normal way, let's send No. 2 for that.", the Finance Minister said.

"I second the opinion.", the home minister then said.

"It's decided then. Take care of yourselves.", the prime minister said. Well, they couldn't though.

The Finance Minister was also the head of the National Bank, where the currency was printed. Printed Currency originated in this country itself. And this Finance Minister was Arata's next target. The bank was also the safest place Arata has known. There is even more security towards robbers and assassins in the bank than the Military base. Not anyone can join these organisations except the most loyal. Even the military did not take this much loyalty test.

"This will require the necessary arrangements I guess. I have waited for this for a long time. It's time to destroy the safest place I know.", Arata said, looking at the 7 story building. There was no way to climb the wall, even if you did through ropes, it would be impossible to be not seen by anyone. Therefore, the only way is to get in through the gate. Now for this, he had to talk to many bankers but none of them got bribed and Arata could not get enough information. SO ARata had to go invisible from the beginning.

He had killed one banker who was of a senior level, so he could gain access to some extent but it would be of no use unless he can reach the Finance Minister himself. The security must be extra high due to the assassination spree going on.

He entered the bank. It was perfumed and felt very comfortable. Arata had already mastered blending in with the person, so he easily got through situations. No one could see him, as of course, he was invisible and no irregularities were found.