After some boring fights, finally it was the last fight of the day. The first seed Wally versus second seed Mary. They were both Legend Ranks and had a lot of strength. Mary was a blonde girl and she was releasing a deadly aura. She had the eyes of a crazy girl. She walked in with two swords and then licked them. Then from the other end a man in a coat walked. He looked very elegant and had no weapons in his hands. Arata guessed he must have been having throwable weapons.

Arata was really looking forward to this match. But this time, when the match started, no one moved. They just stared at each other. Then, Mary rushed with her swords towards Wally. Blades appeared in front of Wally and he threw them continuously at Mary.

Wow, that is Transmutation ! Arata did not know this could be used in this way. He had got some power of transmutation from Misty so he could shape his blade, but this guy builds blades literally out of thin air. It seemed that he also had enlightenment in Transmutation. This was a first. But then those blades suddenly disappeared in front of Mary.

He also had Enlightenment in both the Fields ! Arata had met a match here. So there were people strong and had cultivation out of this continent ! But, for Mary, this was nothing. She was a natural enemy of Wally. She just slashed all the blades thrown by Wally and rushed towards him. She appeared before him and slashed it but it was fake. Mary was also quite surprised by this. This person produced his clone ! He is a legendary Transmuter ! But Wally wasn't done. He had already sent some blades towards Mary which were again invisible. But in front of Mary's keen sense, it was nothing.

They were born fighters. And right now it was a catch-me-if-you-can taunt by Wally towards Mary. And Mary had no choice but to fall into his traps. She carefully looked around. He kept luring her to the edges so she made mistakes and forced her outside. He did not get tired, but so did Mary. She also like a crazy girl slashed everything. She looked like she was having fun.

Wally mostly had the upper hand in the whole match. But Mary wasn't going to give up. She was also Legendary Rank, but Arata did not know what she was capable of. She did not exactly look very special except her keen senses.

But then she finally became serious.

She held her first sword and slashed. And then water sprayed from it. A big splash of water, which was directed towards Wally. Wally did not expect that splash to come out of nowhere and got drenched. It was rather anticlimactic, but except that water started to melt his clothes. And this moment he realized. That this was not water but Acid ! He had no choice but to remove clothes immediately. But then at this moment Mary came in and slashed her sword at him, because of which he had to jump back, and landed outside the ring.

"The match goes to Mary !", the referee's whistle blew. This was quite a surprise. Mary grabbed the advantage out of nowhere. People were still sitting on their seats, but Arata started clapping. He understood what had happened. It was the mental strength. Mary sensed that Wally had gone into passive mode and his reflexes kicked in and Mary used it to catch him off guard. She was tenacious and was like a beast. Arata was impressed by this style.

Slowly people started clapping. Shia saw this and was impressed. She wanted to fight both of these people. And now she wants to get stronger. So Mary had special sword strength. Mary's other sword also must be having something. Both of them were very strong.

Shin fetched Triela and introductions happened. They then went out to eat lunch.

"So this little girl will participate in this competition ? What about you guys ?", Triel asked them.

"It is not worth. All are -", Arata was going to say weak but Rachel said it before him.