Absorption continues...

Once Alex's body absorbed the energy, the pain caused by the dark black flames that burned blazingly on his body vanished. The only pain that he now felt was the pain of his bones which were reduced to pieces due to the impact, and then many of them jutting out of his skin.

Like as if the sky felt that the dense, flaming column that it shot at Alex wouldn't really crush him into pieces and burn him into nothing, it changed it form of attack.

Then the large area of the sky which was fiery in appearance, actually changed into another color. It became dark violet. And as soon as this color manifested, a kind of gale-force wind that was surprisingly visible since it was surprisingly dark violet in color, and had the power to simply reduce mountains into bits because of the sharpness attributes, incineration attributes and destruction attributes that it possessed, appeared and began to violently move about in the area that Alex received his tribulation.