New Chapter of Power

As he dashed back to the village, he met Olivia on the way.

Then he stopped running and went to meet her.

Olivia's face at the moment was sheet-white. She still hadn't recovered from the fear that engulfed her heart when the tribulation attacks fell upon him.

She thought that he would certainly lose his life in the attacks, but fortunately, he didn't.

However, the attacks replayed in her head and this kept her still frightened.

When Alex got to her side, he went to hold her hands. He knew that she would be terribly frightened by the terrifying attacks that descended on him.

Then with a smile in his face, he asked "Olivia, I am fine. Why have your skin not recovered from this color that speaks nothing but horror?"

Olivia exhaled.

Then she said "I thought I was definitely going to lose you. I saw the terrific attacks and my heart couldn't help shatter into pieces. Anyways, seeing that you are fine, it's slowly healing"