Layla (III)

"Hey, it's okay" Alex said after being in the tight embrace for more than three minutes.

He would be honest with himself, he enjoyed the hug. He simply sank himself into the wondrous feeling that erupted from his chest when Layla's twin peaks pressed hard against his chest.

Layla nodded her head. Then she pulled out of the embrace.

"Thank you" She said.

"It's okay." Alex said. Then he questioned "When are you going go to receive the legacy?"

"In three days time, just so that I can prepare myself. You should also do the same" Layla said.

"Oh. I don't need to prepare myself. I was born prepared for anything" Alex said.

Layla smiled.

"Okay. I am leaving now." She said.

Alex nodded.

Then she turned around to leave. But just when she would fully make a u-turn to leave the private discussion room that they were in, she halted and turned to look at Alex who couldn't understand why she halted and turned to look at him again.