The expert

"Hello" The expert who was dressed in a black robe and looked like thirty greeted with a polite smile in his face.

"Who the fuck are you?" The City Lord harshly asked.

"Well, let's just say I am the one that would free this boy from your evil grasp." The expert replied.


The City Lord laughed.

Then he asked "You think you can? You just try it first and see how I would decimate you. Trash trying to be a hero. Haha!" He questioned and then laughed raucously, sounding like he knew the expert's abilities.

The expert looked at him and smiled.

He then ignored the City Lord and looked at Alex.

"Kid, what's the name of the Expert that gave you those amazing powers you displayed?" He questioned Alex.

"The name he left me when I asked him before he teleported away was 'Nameless'" Alex replied.

"Hmm. Okay" The expert said.