
Immediately after killing them, he invoked the Heavenly Mystery Revealment God-eyes. Then he uttered in his mind with an unyielding resoluteness 'Reveal!'

Once he mentioned that, the abstruse symbols on the God-eyes changed to another. And the instant that they changed, the room that the City Lord's son was hiding in appeared in Alex's vision.

With a smile that would invoke a feeling of wickedness of the highest degree in anyone, Alex shot at an insane speed towards the room that the City Lord's son was.


Moving at an unbelievable speed, he got there very quickly. Then launching one of his legs that both glowed in an intense golden color at the door of the room, the metallic door broke away from it hinges and shot like a furiously fired projectile towards the other side of the room. And because of the momentum it moved with, the wall in it direction couldn't stop it which then also shattered apart into many smithereens.