Who is this mysterious girl?

The most important thing right now was getting Xenon to safety. Ace had an idea, but this would mean he would have to show the identity of Xenon to someone. He didn't care, all he wanted was Xenon to not be in pain.

Ace went out of the cave to check if anyone was around them, the coast was clear. He picked Xenon in a bridal style, Ace took off his shirt and placed it onto of Xenon to cover him. Ace took out a talisman and teleported them.

Ace and Xenon has arrived at some place. There was a women standing there, she took one look at Ace and saw he was in a state of panic. "Can you save him?!" Shouted Ace.

"Who is he?"

"I'll tell you later, just save him!"

The women didn't ask anymore questions, instead she laid Xenon on a bed and ripped his shirt off, then started gathering medicine. She had placed, Jimson weed, Henbane, and Mandrake on the table next to him. She placed the Jimson weed in a bowl and started mixing it, when it was fully mixed she added the Henbane. After the Henbane was fully mixed she took a glowing liquid from inside her clothing.

She was about to put the liquid in the mixture when Ace grabbed her arm, "What is that?"

"It's my secret." Said her childlike voice.

Ace let go of her arm, he didn't know if he would trust her fully. When she was released by Ace, she took the liquid and put it the bowl, she mixed it until it was no longer glowing. She took a separate bowl and placed the Mandrake in it, then took a substance which resembled honey and mixed it with the Mandrake.

She placed one of the mixtures and placed it in a cup, then took the other mixture and placed it in a separate cup.

"Stand back." She said to Ace.

Ace took a step back. She whistled and a furry created flew over to her, she whispered in it's ear. The creature opened Xenon's mouth, and held it there. The girl put on goggles as if she was doing a science experiment.

She then took both cups and poured them into Xenon's mouth. No reaction was happening. Ace got worried, "Are you sure you did everything correctly?"

"Be patient."


Xenon's body started glowing!

The girl was laughing, "It's finally working, my new invention worked!"

"Wait, you were using him as a test subject?!" Ace was pissed.

"Don't worry, I've only killed 132 creatures testing it."

That is not a small number of deaths.

"Plus, he's the first person I tried it on. So you should be thankful."

"Thankful? You could've killed him!"

"Well he is not."

Ace didn't care what she had to say, he rushed over to Xenon and looked at his face, "Why is he not waking up?"

"Child, medicine needs time to work fully."

Ace took another look at Xenon's face, he was very pale, more pale then vampires should be, "Are you sure this is working? Look at his face he looks like a rabbit, he has gone so white."

"Don't worry its just the bacteria cleaning his burns up. Talking about those burns, is he a vampire?"

"Yeah and I'm going to save him."

"It's so nice to see this soft side of you, you should show it more often." She laughed.

Ace took another glance at Xenon and said, "Maybe I should."