After 20 minutes of drawing Shu said, "Finally, my new invention is almost finished."
Shu stroked chin, he was thinking of how to finish his invention. That's when it struck him, he knew what he was going to draw. He dipped his brush in the ink and started drawing again. Not long passed before he lifted his head up and smiled, "It's done, I have finally found a way to beat people up while drunk."
Shu started laughing like a lunatic, he was going to be the strongest person ever.
"What did you make this time?" Said Flora who was walking in this mysterious room.
"You're never gonna believe this! I made a weapon that will allow me to be able to fight while drunk."
"And why are you getting into fights while you're drunk?"
There was silence for a moment until Flora broke it, "Do you know what, you are never sober."
"What? That's not true, the last time I was sober was probably 10,000 years ago, and that wasn't that long ago."
"Sure sure whatever you say."
"Kiddo, have you ever been drunk before?"
"I guess I haven't, well I'll probably hate it, so I'm never gonna try it."
"Your loss."
"So anyway, what is this thing that you have invented?"
"It's a freeze lacrima."
"A what?"
"Let me finish speaking first and then you'll find out what it is." Shu paused and stared at Flora, it seemed like she wasn't going to interrupt him anymore. "Anyways, when I'm very drunk, my powers go crazy and I wouldn't be able to fight anyone, so I created a crystal that can freeze people, and I can fight them while they are frozen, isn't this the best plan or what?"
"Wait who are you gonna fight?"
"Oh did he ruin your mood again with his sulkiness?"
"That's the only he's good at."
"Uh I don't think that's true anymore."
"I think I see what you mean."
"Anyways, why was Xenon so drunk? Did you do what I think you did?"
Shu turned away he got caught in the act.
"I know your guilty, you made Xenon do all of YOUR work, didn't you?"
Shu looked at Flora with pleading eyes, "Do you have any proof?"
"You did the same thing to Ace and got him super drunk."
"Oh yeah." He tried to make himself sound clueless.
"How many more people are you gonna trick, by saying those bubbles are their memories, they are just power bubbles."
"Well it's not my fault you always make me clean them up."
"And it's not my fault you attract them here."
Shu took a sip of wine that was sitting next to him and sighed, "Your right." Shu flipped his hair, "It's not my fault I'm so powerful that I attract them."
"Yeah, why are you so powerful."
Shu looked up at Flora "You really want to know?"
"Not reall-
"It all started when I was a poor young boy, who needed money."
Flora walked around Shu's lair. She was looking at everything and saw many different 'inventions' of his. She also heard some of Shu's story but couldn't really care about it.
"Then I got a job as a cleaner at a temple, I was fed and clothed there." Shu continued his story.
She walked around until she saw this statue that looked like a phoenix, it was gold and had red gem like eyes. Flora started at the phoenixes eyes, they were so mesmerizing to her.
"Then I met a young boy who was about my age and we became best friends."
Flora shook her heard and continued walking around touching everything she could see, but she couldn't get her mind off that phoenix.
"We both decided that we would become powerful and make sure that no one would end up hungry or without a home." Shu kept going on about his life story.
Flora slowly walked backwards, to where the phoenix statue was. She stared deeply and soon enough she felt like she was loosing conscious.
Shu was half way through his story, when he looked up and saw that Flora was nowhere to be seen!