Killer Smile

A vague silhouette of a person could be seen at the village's entrance. The three women were forced to stop as they observed the silhouette from afar.

Their heartbeats were getting faster as horror filled their minds. They were thinking about how they could alert the zombie residing at this place if they didn't make any commotion.

The three women held their breath as they started to draw their weapons one by one. They had left the Town of Daan prepared. Although their group's members were all women, they still had the capability to fight and defend themselves.

From the start, they already knew that they were not a strong group. They were just a bunch of females that had happened to have an evolved human among them. Out of the five women in their group, only three evolved.

The one taking care of the sick member is part of the three, while the other two evolved and went to the drug store along with the last member.