Just Kidding

"Just kidding!" Nile said with a smirk under his mask.

After getting rejected, Nile no longer cared for them already. But hearing Gretta say something like Nile changed his mind and decided to give them another chance.

Sarah and Gina wryly smiled. They got worried there for a moment. Meanwhile, Gretta's eyes were shining like a diamond after hearing Nile is going to help them.

"Uhmm... Thanks!" Gretta said with a happy tone.

"So, where to?" Nile asks the third time.

Sarah scratches her head. "Errr, where are we right now?"

They were unconscious when Jacob brought them over here. Gretta was only awakened due to the fall. Sarah asks, thinking that Nile was a resident in this village.

"At the big tree? I'm not from here so I also don't know." Nile said.

He then continued, "So you all are not from this village?"

The three nodded their heads at the same time.