
'Is it the Beheader?' The man said as he glanced at the minced hybrid meat on the ground. 

He stood up alertly and slowly withdrew from the scene. If it's really the Beheader, then he should be more careful. Even though he arrogantly said that he would kill the Beheader alone if he ever sees it, he knew the clear difference between being arrogant and dumb. 

He may be arrogant, but he knew what he was doing. 

The man's name was Burnok. He is a member of the Pink Surge faction, and he likes to move alone rather than in pairs or groups. 

Burnok has blonde coloured mohawk hair with a striking appearance. He was wearing black jeans paired with a black jacket that was not zipped, causing his abdominal muscles to be seen. 

Previously, he left the meeting first and hurriedly went towards the center of the town. After meeting someone, he then went back towards his own base.