The Upper Limit

After saying the polite permission request, Nile didn't waste any more time as he immediately hacked their heads away from their body. 

As their heads slid from their neck, he noticed a movement from inside the building. 

Sounds of hoofs deeply stepping on the ground entered his ears. He took a peek inside and as he was about to enter the building to see it clearly, an enraged Maximo suddenly appeared on his sight. 

Maximo's mouth was curled into a snarl as he slowly inspects his surroundings arrogantly. On his left horn, a hybrid was hanging with its gut pierced through like a skewered meat. Blood drips on his horn as his clothe armor was dyed by the pink blood of the hybrids he just slays. 

At the tail on his back, traces of meat paste was plastered all over the head of his sledgehammer tail. From that alone, it could be inferred that a hybrid's head was definitely smashed and was reduce into puddles of meat by that sledgehammer of his.