Red Hognose Snake

Upon noticing the dark grey dot above him, Nile realized that the detection range of the System Map is not the same upwards. Normally, he could detect other beings 100+ meters around him, but it looks like it isn't the same upwards. 

He estimated that he could only detect objects 20 meters above him, for now. He even assumed that maybe the detection range of the System Map was actually in the form of a dome. 

Back to the present.

Nile warily keeps a distance of a few meters from the huge hognose snake in front of him. The snake was at the middle stage of level two, meaning, its strength was more than 21 and less than 25. Currently, he only has a strength of 25.125, it only a slight difference, being careful doesn't have a fee after all.

The snake's body was more or less bigger than his body. It was coiled on a thick branch as it glared and hissed at him.