Where's the Apocalypse Virus?

The sun was already high in the sky but the surroundings were still dim due to the existence of the enormous trees around. 

At the northwest part of the town of Daan, two men could be seen walking side by side. 

One had spiky hair donning leather jackets and pants while the other one was wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans. 

The one with the ripped jeans was panting heavily as he rested his hands on his knees. 

"Are you sure it went this way?" The man with spiky hair asked while staring down at the man with the ripped jeans. He then handed him a bottle of water.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, it definitely went this way. It shouldn't be that far ahead of us. Even though zombies don't feel pain, the wounds we inflicted on it and the wounds it already had will hinder its speed." Replied the man with the ripped jeans he slurps the water handed to him by the man with spiky hair.