Agitated Damian

"The Round World!"

"Round what? What kind of name is that?" Burge shook his fist to ease the pain a bit as he ridiculed the ridiculous naming sense.

'The tail of a mutated monitor lizard? That lizard must be freakin huge. Anyways, I should be careful around that ball.' 

"Hmmph! I pity your ignorance!"

"You might as well die!" Mario swung the ball towards Burge without warning. 

Burge was able to dodge the attack but he got flustered when he heard a loud boom behind him.


He looked back and saw the ground he was standing at earlier was now reduced to broken rubbles. 


Cold sweats started to form in Burge's forehead as he stared at the broken grounds. 

He then realized that when that shot-put ball was thrown towards Damian previously, Mario must have lowered his strength considerably.

Mario smirked at Burge's nervous expression as he retrieved the shot-put ball using the string that was attached to it.