Little Hunt!

[360° Sensor Activated!]

After the System prompt sounded in Nile's mind, the System Map inside also blinked twice before a sonar like wave could be seen waving out of him. 

As soon as the sonar wave took off with him as the center multiple red dots could then be seen in the System Map. 

Nile became elated as he tried to memorize all of the locations of the red dots that surrounded him. There were more than ten red dots and it was no problem for Nile to memorize them all. 

Five seconds passed in the blink of an eye and in no time, Nile had already commanded the System to turn it off immediately lest his Apocalypse Points got deducted needlessly. 

With that 5 seconds, not only were Nile able to memorize all of the locations of the more than ten zombies that surrounded him, he was also able to notice a slight similarity between them. 

They were all moving in the same direction.