
As Nile was handing the healing lollipop towards her, an Error message suddenly appeared inside his head. 


Items that came from the System could not be used other than the Host or the Host's pets.] 

Nile suddenly felt embarrassed all of a sudden. He slowly retracted his hand as he didn't know what to do. On one hand, he really wanted to help his 'former' lover, and on the other hand, he could not do it because of the System's restriction. 

"Errr! I'll give this to you in a second!" He stated as he intercepted the incoming zombie. 

Jellan was bewildered by the sudden shift of attitude but she could do nothing about it other than to wait.

A series of collisions occurred but unlike before, the zombie was already moving rather slow. It was due to its countless wounds on its ligaments that Nile has purposely struck. 
