Leave it To Me!

Seeing that he won the duel, Maximo no longer wasted his time as he immediately 'explained' what he had scribbled. 

A few moments later, Jellan was finally able to understand what Maximo was trying to show her. 

It turns out he was actually referring to a lollipop.

At first, Jellan was confused. Have lollipops also evolved along with the plants and trees, and they now have healing properties? 

However, she suddenly recalled the lollipop that Nile offered to her before. 'I see, the System's lollipop.'

Jellan could only shake her head after recalling that piece of information. 

After being bound to Nile by the System, she also naturally came to know of its existence. However, it might be because of the System's powers but she somehow did not question its existence.