The Ceremony

The moment Ogis flew upwards, the female eagle, his fiance, hurriedly welcomed him with open arms. 

Looking around, it seems that Jellan and the others had also finished their battle. In fact, it can't be called a battle at all as they got rid of the weak zombies easily.

Ogis and the female eagle embraced each other. 

After a while, Jellan and the others came towards them. 

The female eagle was alerted to the new faces, but when Ogis' explained to her that they are his comrades, she hurriedly believed him without questions and instantly got back to embracing him. 

Seeing them becoming lovey dovey like that, Jellan could not help but pout her lips in jealousy. She wondered if she and Nile would also be like that after he was done with his evolution. Thinking about it, she could not help but blush. Her cheek turned rosy as she looked away from Ogis and the female eagle