Make a Choice

"Did you find any candidates?"

"Not yet. And you?"


"It looks like our luck is a little low this month. We need to find candidates to go to the Dark Continent "


"Who are you?"

"It seems that our luck suddenly improved"

"Who ... Ahhh ..."

vrummm… vrummm…

"What is that sound ?? Where I am??"

"Hey. Did you finally wake up? You look bad "

"Haha ... It looks like you're too unlucky to have found someone who poisoned you."

"Where am I?"

"We are all in a boat in the middle of the ocean"

"Why are my arms and legs so heavy?"

"Wake up and see for yourself"

"What is it??" His vision was blurred for a moment, but it soon cleared. The first thing he saw left him extremely shocked.

Handcuffs. He had handcuffs on his arms and legs.

"What is it???!!!"

"Young man, it looks like you're very unlucky. It is rare to see a young man like you here with us "

The young man looked at the source of the voice, he saw that the other side was a middle-aged man. When the young man looked around, he saw that the vast majority were adults, men, and women. Only a small portion was young as he.

"Where are we at? Or where are we going? " The young man asked. He didn't know why he was handcuffed and chained.

"None of us know. The only thing we know is that we were selected to be part of an experiment. "

"All of us?" The young man looked around and saw that there were at least fifty people in the boat. Everyone was handcuffed.


(It seems that it has to do with those people dressed in black clothes. Wait ... Dark Continent? What is it?) The young man has never heard of the Dark Continent before.

"Do any of you know what the Dark Continent is?" The young man asked curiously.

"Dark Continent? I never heard of it"

"Hey!!!! You!!!! Did you also hear about the Dark Continent before passing out ???? !!!! " Someone shouted.

Looking towards the voice, they saw that it was an elderly man with white hair.

"Yes. I was drunk and I accidentally entered an alley. I met some people talking about finding people to take to the Dark Continent"

"It looks like you're just like me. I was also walking down an alley to take a shortcut. I accidentally overheard this conversation. After that, I passed out. When I woke up, I was already here "The old man complained. He didn't know what was going on.

"What is this Dark Continent ?? I've never heard of it before. Why are we being forced to go to that location ?? "

"These are just rumors, but it seems that in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. A large landmass has suddenly appeared. The military and governments of all nations have arrested the curious and hidden information about it. But it is impossible to suppress the rumors, these rumors were spread by fishermen, they also took pictures about it and spread it on the internet. I think this is the Dark Continent. "

"It seems that the government of all countries is using us as a guinea pig to explore the Dark Continent"

"So, young friend, what kind of crimes did you commit to being here?"

"Crimes? What kind of crime? "

"Didn't you commit any crime? I see ... So you must be just like those over there. Ninety percent of us here are criminals convicted of murder, terrorism, and such. The other ten percent are normal people like you "


vrummm… vrummm…

The boat's engines suddenly stopped.

"It looks like we've arrived at our destination"

The sound of the metal doors opening was heard. A strong light illuminated the interior of the boat, everyone had to close their eyes because of that.

"You can get out" People inside the boat started to get up and get out slowly.

When they left, what they saw was an unbelievable scene.

A gigantic landmass in the middle of the ocean. The most amazing thing was that the place was completely dark. The black clouds cover only the local skies. A black smoke completely covers the entire place and nothing can be seen.

The heavy and dead climate was emanating from the place.

(This is the Dark Continent !!!!) Everyone had that same thought after seeing the place.

"Keep walking" A heavily armed soldier shouted. A group of armed soldiers was targeting the prisoners. If any of them try to escape, they are ordered to kill.

"I don't want to go there !!" The old man shouted. He didn't want to go to that unknown location. The smell of death hung over the place.

Shot !!!

Pang !!!

The sound of a gunshot was heard before something hit the floor. The old man was shot in the head and died on the spot.

"Does anyone else have anything to say?" A soldier looked at the handcuffed group and spoke arrogantly.

"..." Nobody commented on this subject. If any of them said anything, they too would be killed.

"Very good. Keep walking. Remove his body here "

"Roger" A group of soldiers removed the old man's body after the group continued walking.

The place where everyone was was a large wooden bridge that connects the ocean to the entrance to the Dark Continent. The bridge was about five hundred meters.

The entrance to the continent was a small island with several black wooden huts. How were they built? Nobody knows the answer.

When the continent was found, the huts were already in place.

"Each of you will choose one of the huts and enter. When the door opens, the next one will enter. Come on !! "

On the small island, there were a total of ten wooden huts.

"Quickly. We don't have time to play "The group hesitated to enter the island, as none of them knew what would happen to him. So everyone was on the wooden bridge.

Shot !!

Pang !!

"Ahhh!!!" Someone was shot and fell to the floor screaming in pain. The shot hit the leg.

"I told you to walk"

Everyone was frightened by this scene. But none of them dared to walk to the island.

"If nobody walks in the next three seconds. The next shot will not be in the leg "The soldier warned again.

Everyone swallowed when they heard those words.

"1… 2…" When the count came to 2, someone walked towards the island.

A young woman looking 23 or 24 years old. She was beautiful, her silver hair danced in the wind while her indifferent face contrasted with the scary scene.

Some men at the scene couldn't help looking at her. Her cold beauty was enchanting.

"If I were you. I wouldn't even try to think about this woman "

"Do you know who is she?"

"Know? Any assassin in my country knows who she is. Her name is Misalova Lida, she is one of the biggest wanted assassins in my country and the most dangerous. I didn't know that she had been arrested and is being sent to the Dark Continent as a guinea pig "

"She doesn't look like a murderer"

"You say that because you don't know her. Those, who know her murder history, know very well about it "

"Stop the conversation. Keep walking"

When Misalova Lida entered the cabin, the door was closed automatically.

The group stopped hesitating and started walking towards the small island. It was better to walk than to be killed.

The time it took for the door to open again after someone entered was five minutes. The door opened again.

It took a few minutes to get our MC's turn.

When he entered the room, he saw that everything was dark.

Suddenly, everything was lit up and the scene before him changed completely. The interior was not like a cabin, but an empty room with only one chair in the center.

"You can sit down" A strange, mechanical voice echoed through the room.

The young man sat down without hesitation.

"Do you want to go directly to the mainland? Or do you prefer to go through the tutorial first?"

"What is it??" The young man was startled by these two questions.

(Going to the mainland ?? Tutorial ?? What does that mean ?? Is this some kind of game ??) The young man didn't understand what was going on.

"Answer the question. Do you prefer to go directly to the mainland or do you prefer to go through the tutorial? " The voice asked again.

"I want to go through the tutorial" The young man replied.

(If this is some kind of game. Learning from the tutorial was the best thing to do.) The young man thought.

"Answer accepted"


A ray of light shot and covered the young man's body. He disappeared then.

When the young man disappeared, the room went dark and the door was opened again.