The night comes

Outside the tall grass ...

"Newbies, are you seeing this?" Joe Pruitt was looking at a person kneeling on the floor covered with heavy injuries. Around there were some people holding weapons while others were just looking, these were the newbies who arrived on the Dark Continent a few hours ago.

"FORGIVE ME!!! I will not run away again "The kneeling man was pleading not to be killed.

"You know the rules, right? If you want to leave the village, you need our permission. Otherwise, you have to stay inside. "


"Newbies, pay attention to what is going to happen now." Joe Pruitt waved to someone. He threw fire on the grass.

Seconds later, a group of dozens of zombies appeared. Their rotten and injured bodies left the newbies with fear and disgust, some even vomited on the spot.

"What is it???" One of them asked.

"You did the tutorial, right?"

"Yes" The five nodded.

"So, around this village is full of zombies of all kinds. Strange things, animals, and creatures. We only attract some of them here with these calls"

"FORGIVE ME!!!" The man was so injured that he was unable to move. He was already crying and begging not to be eaten by the zombies.

"I know you've leveled out a few times, so your body is stronger than normal. I hope you can show us some fun. Start, "Joe Pruitt spoke in a twisted, crazy tone.

The man was dragged and thrown in front of the tall grass. The zombies smelled it and started eating his fresh.

"No!!! Ahhhh !!!!!!! No!!!! Someone and save !!!!!!! Do not kill me!!!!!" The man began to scream in pain and despair.

The zombie poison had already entered his blood after the first bite, but because it has not undergone the complete transformation, the zombies continue to eat it.

"Ahhh!!!!!! Ahhhh !!!!!! "

The newbies looked at this scene with horrified faces. They never imagined that people at the top of the hierarchy would be so cruel. They quickly understood how this new world works. None of them asked and watched in silence the man being eaten alive.

A few seconds later ...

"Arg ... Arg ..." The zombies stopped devouring the body.

On the ground, the man's disfigured and bloody body had already rotted. His organs were showing, moments later, he got up. The man turned into a zombie.

"What happened???!!!" The five newbies were startled by this scene.

"This is the power of the zombie poison. We have found that if any of us are hurt by them, however small an injury, we will turn into zombies. So you better stay in the village. Otherwise, you could be the next to become zombies. "Joe Pruitt's words had hidden meanings.

These meanings were very well understood by the five newbies.

"Let's continue. We need to find that bitch "

The group headed north to try to capture Misalova Lida.

But how did they manage to hurt someone else? In the tutorial, it said not to hurt others by attacking directly or indirectly.

The answer was simple: Traps.

The words attack directly or indirectly were vague. What would it be to attack directly or indirectly?

Those who came to the Dark Continent before, it took them a few months to discover this.

People cannot attack each other using their powers, but that does not mean that there were no other ways to do this.

The words directly or indirectly refer to only the powers that players receive when entering the Dark Continent.

One such example spells, an area spell can indirectly damage his companions.

But when someone creates a trap and someone else enters the trap, it is not breaking the rules of the original village. So many people use this to capture others.

This is what happened to the man Joe Pruitt killed. He and his subordinates set up traps or something else to capture this man. The traps fatally wounded him.


Slash!!!! Slash!!!! Slash!!!! Slash!!!!

The sound of a very sharp cutting something was heard.

Looking at the source of the sound, we can see a young man covered in blood while he is holding a type of large tooth. He was using this to cut the rank 1 zombies like they were made of paper.

"It's getting harder and harder to level ..." Liu Yang murmured. He was already walking and cutting the zombies hiding in the tall grass. He killed several dozen zombies and only leveled once time. His current level was 3. The earned attribute point was used to put it into vitality.

At the moment, this was the most necessary attribute for Liu Yang. He needed to have a body strong enough to avoid being hurt by the zombies.

Name: Liu Yang

Level: 3

Strength: 3

Agility: 1

Vitality: 4

Intelligence: 1


Zombie Poison Immunity (Passive) (Level 2)

"My status is enough to fight a rank 1 zombie and slightly injured. They can't take a piece of my body out like they used to. " Liu Yang was happy with his current development. His passive ability was the key to his success.

"I need to keep killing these zombies until level 5 to earn two more attribute points. I need to improve my agility" Liu Yang felt that he is not fast enough in the run, he needs to run faster and have more reaction speed in case he is attacked by a zombie like a zombie cat again.

"If only these zombies would drop something when they were defeated like in games ... That would make things so easy ..." Liu Yang sighed. He doesn't know if only rank 2 zombies and other people can drop something whenever they are defeated.

Since he only managed to defeat one rank 2 zombies, his theory cannot be fully proven. At least Liu Yang knows that when a person turned into a zombie is killed, a crystal fragment falls.

The number of zombies in the tall grass was very large, with each step that Liu Yang walked, he found a group with several or even dozens. Besides, the length of the tall grass field was several kilometers away.

If Liu Yang had food, he could be killing zombies endlessly. But that was not the case, his hunger is already returning again. Liu Yang only kept killing a few dozen more zombies before returning to where he came from. He would go in another direction to see if there was food or not.

Crossing the field of tall grass was not a viable choice at the moment.

After walking back to a location near the entrance, Liu Yang saw a group of zombies roaming the area. Among them was the man who was turned into a zombie.

"Rest in peace" Liu Yang spoke and defeated the group of zombies.

"This is ..." Liu Yang was shocked when he saw that the crystal left by the man turned into a zombie was slightly larger than the other crystals he had taken before. This showed useful information for Liu Yang.

"It seems that the stronger the person is, the bigger the crystal he will leave after being killed. But does that only work for people turned into zombies or dying like a human also drops those crystals? " Liu Yang had a new question in his mind.

"I will only know this when I encounter this type of situation. If it were possible, I wish I didn't have to kill another human… "Liu Yang sighed when he made that comment. He knows that he cannot help but kill another person when the time comes.

In a world without rules like this. It is to kill or be killed. Liu Yang did not want to die, so he could only get strong and kill the other side.

"If I remember correctly ... That girl went that way" Liu Yang went towards where Misalova Lida ran. He was curious about her.

"What is happening???" Liu Yang looked at the sky which suddenly went dark.

Before, the sky was a little lit up, but suddenly, everything went dark. The climate changed completely from one hour to the next.

Shuooo !!

A strong, cold wind started to blow. The atmosphere of before has become frightening. Strange sounds began to echo throughout the area. It seems that the night was the time when the most dangerous creatures wake up.

"It seems that this change must represent the night time" Liu Yang imagined that this would be the case. For before, he had heard it was lunchtime. Then after a few hours, it must be night.

Liu Yang just didn't think the arrival of dusk would be so bizarre.

"The night must be something much more frightened than the day. The hidden creatures must begin to appear. "Liu Yang doesn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing for him.

If the zombies that appear are only rank 1, Liu Yang can still handle it. One cut of his improvised knife is enough to kill any rank 1 zombie. A rank 2 zombie is more difficult to kill.

Arg… Arg… Arg… Arg…

Thousands of sounds were heard within the tall grass. It looked like there were thousands of zombies walking around the place.

Pah ... Pah ... Pah ... Pah ...

The sounds of hurried footsteps were heard. It looked like there was a group of people running.

"Run !!!!! Let's go back!!!! That bitch will die anyway in the night. "Joe Pruitt's voice was heard from tens of meters away. He looked desperate and very anxious.

The group was afraid to spend the night outside the village.

"Run faster !!! If we don't get back to the village in twenty minutes. We will be gone until dawn. The village has barriers that are activated half an hour after dark. " The group was running desperately towards the village, as none of them want to stay outside.

(It's them !!! Damn it. Just now ... I need to hide inside that tall grass field again. That's very unlucky !!) Liu Yang mentally shouted before entering the tall grass field again.