Village Challenge

A few days after the portals to the other villages were opened.

The village of Liu Yang received its first residents from the other villages.

The news about his village having stricter rules on rapes and murders has left many onlookers eager to visit the village. Besides, the food was much cheaper.

This attracted many new residents to the village.

Current leaders did not like the things Liu Yang commented about village chiefs having the authority to do many things. This showed that some of them were not real leaders.

Many of the new residents were intent on relocating, while others were spies to try to discover some of Liu Yang's weaknesses. They want to kill him or pressure him to change the laws of his village.

Since they cannot change the laws of the villages themselves or improve, they can only threaten competitors.

Inside Lida Aoi's office, she was reading many documents with information about the new inhabitants of the village. Her job was to manage the information.

As the owner of a brothel, prostitutes were great spies for seeking information.

Lida Aoi agreed to do this job for Liu Yang, she didn't want to just be sleeping and eating with every day, and doing nothing.

"Liu Yang, the village has many new inhabitants, many of them really want to live here, but there are some who are spies. They want to collect information about you, it looks like they plan something"

"I felt it was going to happen. Some of these spies must belong to the false owners of the villages. Aoi, did you get the information I wanted? "

"Yes. It seems that villages A and D do not have a real owner. Current owners proclaim themselves owners. According to information from the oldest members of these two villages, the former owner left and did not hand over the command to someone else "

"I see ... It looks like this is a good opportunity to win over these two locations." Liu Yang was already thinking of a good plan to do this.

"Liu Yang, will you do that already?"

"Not yet, I will talk to the leaders of Village B and C first. I would like to know what their thoughts are on a certain subject. " Liu Yang wanted to see if they intended to hand over the village to him or not.

If the choice is the most difficult, he would have to challenge the villages. The only one who could accept the challenge and fight was the village leader, no other member can do that.

Liu Yang has sent the duel invitation several times, but none have been accepted.

When the tenth invitation is sent and the other side does not accept. The duel will be accepted automatically. Since Liu Yang will be the only participant, he will automatically be considered the winner.

That was the most brilliant idea that Liu Yang had.

The others cannot accept the duel invitation because he was no longer in the starting area. Putting someone outside the starting area to fight someone inside the starting area would be very unfair. Because of that, that doesn't happen.

Tock… Tock…

While Liu Yang and Lia Aoi talked about some subjects, someone knocked on the door.

"Madam, someone came to talk to Master Liu Yang" One of the assistants spoke on the other side of the door. They call Liu Yang a master because he is Lida Aoi's man.

"You can let that person come in" Lida Aoi was already used to it. Many messengers from other villages were looking for Liu Yang.

The door was opened and a two-meter-tall, muscular woman entered. She seemed to be about 27 or 28 years old, her appearance was like those women, who work out, but not as heavy as those who compete in weightlifting competitions.

Despite this, she was quite beautiful with a wild aura. Her charm was unique and different from the women Liu Yang has ever seen.

"Are you Liu Yang? The leader of Village E? " The tall, muscular woman looked at Liu Yang and asked. For he was the only man in the room.

"Yes. It's me. Who are you?" Liu Yang knew which village the woman belongs to.

"My name is Anna, I am second in command of Village C. I am here to send a challenge on behalf of my leader" Anna spoke her purpose. Her words had many hidden things.

"I see ... What kind of duel do you want?" Liu Yang understood that the other side did not want to use the system to send the challenge. They preferred to do it personally, but the reason, he doesn't know.

"A resistance challenge. If leader Liu Yang manages to win the challenge, you will receive village C as a prize. But if leader Liu Yang loses, you will have to hand over command of village E to my leader "

"Interesting… How will this challenge be done? Did your leader comment on that? "

"My leader let me choose the challenge method." Anna knew how difficult it was to kill a rank 3 zombie, her group lost many members to defeat one.

When the most influential members received the information that Liu Yang defeated a rank 3 zombie alone. They were skeptical about it, but after researching more, they found that the subject was really true.

Villagers E told their experiences in the village during James Hunt's tyranny and how everything changed with the arrival of Liu Yang. They realized that Liu Yang was much more than eyes can see.

The most influential people in the other villages were thinking about ways to deal with Liu Yang.

The leaders of Villages B and C already had a vague idea of ​​how to do this. The alleged leaders of Villages A and D don't know how to deal with Liu Yang, except trying to kill him. For they were not the true owners of the villages to be able to send a letter of challenge.

Furthermore, they don't even know about it.

"Where is your home? We can have a better conversation there. " Anna did not want to have this conversation with others listening.

"Okay. Follow me. Aoi, I'll be back later. "Liu Yang kissed Lida Aoi's lips before leaving.

"Take care" Lida Aoi could not meddle in this matter. This was something between the two villages. She could only pray for her man's success.

Liu Yang took Anna to his home, the two went to the room. Lin Lan and Naito Chiho had to go to the brothel to stay with Lida Aoi. Because the subjects that Liu Yang and Anna will talk about were private, the two women did not care about that. They kissed Liu Yang on the mouth as a sign of good luck.

"We are alone now. What is your challenge? "

"Our challenge will be to do activities in bed. Whoever holds out the longest will be the winner. Whoever asks for mercy first will be the loser "Anna spoke confidently. She was confident that she could spend more time doing activities in bed.

Her leader left her in charge of this matter because Anna was the most suitable to do this. Because of some circumstances, the leader of Village B cannot duel.

"I see ... But how am I supposed to know if you're not lying?" Liu Yang was shocked to discover that this was the challenge. He never imagined it would be something like that.

When he looked at Anna, he felt that she had confidence in the challenge. This shows that she has enough points in the vitality attribute to withstand many rounds of activity in bed.

But does she have enough to deal with Liu Yang? She will find out in the worst possible way.

"To show our goodwill. The village leader asked me to bring this for you. "Anna took out a bag with four colored crystals inside.

"!!!!!" Liu Yang didn't have to hold the crystals to know what they were. He had four identical ones but in different colors.

"Chief of the village Liu Yang, it seems that you know what these crystals are. So there should be no problem, right? " Anna doesn't know what these items are, but her leader said to keep these items with her life. She understood that these four small crystals were very valuable things.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll try to steal those crystals?" Liu Yang found Anna's confidence in showing the crystals before him interesting.

"You created something that no other village has created. Such a person has reliable people. " As a former military woman, Anna has seen many types of people. Someone like Liu Yang is hard to find.

"I see ... When can we start this challenge?" Liu Yang was looking forward to getting these four crystals.

"We can start now" Anna ripped her clothes off using her hands before sitting on the bed with her legs spread. She used two fingers to open her damp and wet cave, the love liquid was already running like a waterfall.

The other hand raised her breasts to her mouth. Anna sucked on the tip of her own breast.

"You can come if you dare" Anna spoke provocatively. She was looking at Liu Yang with a perverted face.