Gathering the five titles

"Liu Yang, what are you going to do now?" Lida Aoi asked. She was lying with her eyes closed on Liu Yang's chest.

The other women were doing the same thing. There was a small addition this time, Anna. She joined the group. There were now six women in bed with Liu Yang.

The women looked towards Liu Yang, they were curious to know his next move. They have already been surprised by their recent achievements. This was a great pride for them.

Their man's achievements were also their achievements.

"I am thinking of hunting the other creatures in the other four initial locations. As the villages came together and became just one, I need to earn more contribution points to improve the village's economy. Many people do not dare to fight, so as the village leader, I need to do this "Liu Yang wanted to complete the special quest and get the titles from the other four initial locations.

"Will you be gone for long?" Women were already at level 9 after so long leveling. Lin Lan and Naito Chiho were the last to reach that level.

"I don't need to be gone for long. I must come back every seven days "Liu Yang found this time reasonable. This was better than the four months he had been inside the grassy plains before.

"I see ... When are you leaving?" Women know that they cannot compare with Liu Yang, so they can only stay at home and wait for him to return safely.

"Tomorrow night" Liu Yang wanted this as soon as possible, besides, he had another goal in mind.

"I see ... Liu Yang, until tomorrow night, can you stay with us?" Lida Aoi spoke ambiguously. The women blushed, but they longed for it.

Liu Yang would leave for seven full days before returning, they will spend as much time as possible with him.

"Of course it is." Liu Yang laughed and hugged the six women. He slept together and then did activities.

Liu Yang's women did not spend most of their time indoors or visited village sites in search of people to be part of their groups. Groups formed only by female fighters.

Currently, Liu Yang didn't have any men in his group because he didn't have much time to recruit or talk to them. He only had women because there were many types of coincidences that happened.

The first was Lida Aoi, then her assistants. Next up was Lin Lan and Naito Chiho. Finally, Anna came.

Liu Yang got each of these women through some strange coincidences.

Although he does not recruit subordinates, this does not mean that no people are doing this for him.

One such example was Franky, the instructor, and former assassin. He started to change his life after he came to the Dark Continent. He became an instructor because he no longer wanted to kill people.

During his lectures, Franky talked about Liu Yang and extolled him as a god. This attracted many Liu Yang fanatics to his group.

It wasn't just Franky doing this, many others do that too.

But not everything was good. Many groups formed by former residents who did not like Liu Yang, they defame him as if Liu Yang was a bad person. But that didn't work very well because Liu Yang showed that he was not a tyrant or anything and he always took good care of the villagers.

Liu Yang's support groups began to grow more and more. They became even more fanatical after seeing him battling several dozen mutant desert beasts from the original area, former Village C, at the same time.

On that day, Liu Yang was surrounded by several dozen beasts and some inhabitants were looking into the distance. They did not want to help Liu Yang because they feared they would be killed.

The images of Liu Yang swinging the sword from side to side and cutting the bodies of mutant desert beasts like paper were etched in the minds of the spectators. When they returned to the village, they spread the word about it.

This further increased the fan base and fanatics for Liu Yang. Many women wanted to sleep with Liu Yang, even if it is only one night. But they didn't have that opportunity.

Sometimes Liu Yang was ambushed by members of the village who want leadership, but they were killed after Liu Yang threw some beasts in the middle of the group. They were totally devoured by the beasts.

Many saw these scenes and understood that it was a warning not to try to cause problems. If something like that happens, they will be killed.

The village women were envious and jealous of Liu Yang's six women, as they had his protection and always do activities with him. Some of these women joined their group to try to get closer to Liu Yang and try luckily to become his woman.

But as not all women had the ability to join Liu Yang's women's group, as there were rigorous tests to enter the group.

Liu Yang spent the next three years fighting and killing the creatures in the initial four zones, nine months for each initial zone. He became a tireless killing machine after getting the titles.

The number of contributions points he received was absurd. This reached more than a million points.

The mutant beasts gave 2 points, the mutant sea beasts gave 5 points, the mutant desert beasts gave 3 points, the demons gave 4 points and the zombies gave 1 point.

Liu Yang killed about one hundred and eleven thousand of each of the beasts and demons. This was necessary to obtain the four titles at the last level and receive the greatest benefits.

That was the equivalent: 222,000 + 333,000 + 444,000 + 555,000 = 1,554,000

This amount of points was enough for the village to reach the last level and release all breeding options for the inhabitants. Farm, library, magic school, and many other incredible things that could be created at the highest levels of the village.

The new items created had better effects like special attributes and special effects. However, Liu Yang limited the effects that can appear on gears and the abilities that can be created in the village.

The equipment can only contain extra effects of adding extra attributes of up to five points, these were the rarest and most expensive. Spells can only be initial and basic, whether active or passive.

Spells like Fireball, Lightning. Passive skills such as Bone Strengthening and other skills. The active skills were also the same.

When Liu Yang did this, the entire village was in an uproar, as he created something that can completely change the lives of everyone in the place. An extra skill or magic was something that could save a life in a desperate situation.

Liu Yang found that it was only possible to have one active skill at every five level levels. And the passives were two out of five levels. He only had one active skill at the time, and the rest was passive.

As it was the system that gave him the skills, this was not seen as a skill gained by the card. Thus, they are not added to the skills counter. Liu Yang still had two slots for two active skills and four for passive skills.

Up to level 9, someone can have a maximum of four passive and two active skills. At level 0, the person can already have two passive and one active.

Liu Yang's women achieved some good passive skills to improve their constitution. They wanted to have more vitality and energy to endure more rounds in bed with Liu Yang.

The only exception was Lin Lan, she needed passives that help her thunder magic.

This new achievement by Liu Yang completely won the hearts of everyone in the village. The newbies who emerged during those three years were also won over by him.

Even those who didn't like Liu Yang started to like him because of the things he did for the village.

The four titles were the same as the first one that Liu Yang got, that of killing zombies. The difference was the type of creature, apart from that difference, the effects were the same.

When the five titles were brought together, Liu Yang received a new title from the system.

Title - The Hunter Master of the Initial Village: Title given to those who obtain the previous five titles.

Unique Effect: Allows you to use the effects of the five titles outside the initial area.

That was the only effect, but it was worth the effort to get it. Now, Liu Yang can use the effects of the five titles when he leaves the starting village.

The reward for the special quest was another skill. Liu Yang who chose passive skill again.

The passive ability he received this time was different from the others he had.

The name of the skill was Continuous Growth.