One way to get back to the starting village

Suddenly, all the wolves of the dark wolf horde around him screamed in pain at the same time, they all seemed to be suffering the same pain as the Midnight Wolf.

"What is happening??" Liu Yang was shocked by this sudden event.

Then the dark wolves had their bodies destroyed one by one. Blood and entrails were scattered everywhere.

Auuu !!!!

But unlike painful howls, the dark wolves howled relieved and painlessly. It felt like they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Their bodies disappeared, but a white light stayed in place. These white lights entered the body of the Midnight Wolf. Several thousand lights entered its body.

Arg ...

The Midnight Wolf made sounds of pain, but that pain was not physical. This pain was spiritual. These were the companions of the Midnight Wolf, but they were all killed. They were finally free from the curse.

"Congratulations on purifying the dark wolf horde. You received the title of Purifier of the Midnight Wolves"

Purifier of the Midnight Wolves - Title given to those who remove the curse of more than a thousand Midnight Wolves.

Effect: Wolves will be less hostile towards you.

"Is it possible that all nocturnal creatures have this curse ?? But what is this curse ??? " Liu Yang had many doubts about what this curse was. The system said nothing about it. He would only learn more about the curse by traveling across the Continent of Xinia.

"It looks like this battle is finally over ..." Looking around, Liu Yang saw that the wolves disappeared and their corpses disappeared, but nothing was left behind except for the items dropped from the wolves that Liu Yang killed earlier. He picked up the items on the floor.

"Are these teeth?" Liu Yang saw dozens of sharp fangs on the floor.

There was no equipment, just sharp fangs. Each fang was the size of a finger.

"I will take you with me." Liu Yang tied the swords around his body and carried the wolf in his arms. He had difficulty walking because of the weight of the sword and the wolf.

The Midnight Wolf was a little bigger than Liu Yang and weighed hundreds of pounds.

(Can I see its stats?) Liu Yang thought.

The answer came immediately.

Midnight Wolf

Rank 2

Strength: 7

Agility: 5

Vitality: 9

Intelligence: 14

(It seems that the powers of the Midnight Wolf have been greatly reduced. Before, it was in rank 4, but now, its rank has been reduced to rank 2. Now, that I understand why the Midnight Wolf is not so strength and agility when attacking, it has more intelligence and vitality, so it has a magical attribute instead of a physical one.

I shouldn't call the wolf as him, but her. This wolf is a female.

The power these wolves had belongs to the curse, that additional power is not small ... What did those lights give to the wolf?) Liu Yang thought about some things as he walked towards the village. He looked at the wolf and saw that it was a female.

"I can enter? Or do I have to wait until sunrise tomorrow? " Liu Yang asked with a smile on his face.

His wounds were healing slowly, but it was enough for him to walk and carry weight on his back.

"This is ..." The village chief was startled by Liu Yang's question. He saw everything that happened a few moments ago. He didn't believe what he was watching, even though he was in front of him.

This scene was the same for everyone. No one in the village believed that Liu Yang would have the power to fight the Midnight Wolf with his bare hands.

"Dear guest, I apologize for this, but the barrier will not open. We cannot do that, once it is raised, it will only disappear when the sun rises. "The village chief did not dare to deceive Liu Yang. Especially after seeing what happened a few moments ago.

"Okay. I will spend the night out here. Do you have any food? " Liu Yang saw that the hole was large enough to be used for passing food.

"Dear guest, we still need to prepare the food. Would you mind waiting a while? " The village chief did not know whether Liu Yang would be irritated by this or not.

"No problem. I can wait a while "Liu Yang sat down on the earth barrier and let the Midnight Wolf rest beside him. He gave the wolf a little affection.

"The food will be ready in a few minutes." The village chief ordered everyone to start cooking as quickly as possible.

It didn't take long for the plates of food to be sent to Liu Yang through the window.

"Miss Callie, you can eat this" Liu Yang gave her some dishes. He didn't need to eat all that.

"Sir, I ..." Callie was nervous, she didn't know if the other inhabitants would try to steal her or something.

"Little girl, you can accept. Nothing will happen, you enjoy the meal "The words of the village chief had hidden meanings. The other residents understood and did not comment.

Many of them felt envious and jealous of Callie, she received good food and Liu Yang's interest. The women in the village were the ones who felt the most envy and jealousy since many of them were more beautiful and mature than her.

But the person who attracted Liu Yang's attention was Callie. Many women regret not going to Liu Yang's hut in the afternoon. If they had done that, they would have a chance to get Liu Yang's attention. But it was a pity that it was too late to regret this.

During the afternoon, residents discussed who the person would be talking to Liu Yang. As they suspected that he was an out-of-this-world traveler and a novice, they thought Liu Yang was weak.

So they sent the only young woman who had no experience in dealing with this type of issue, Callie. She was an orphan, her parents were killed during an invasion of wild beasts. They saved the village chief, so he promised to take care of Callie.

However, she is very weak and helpless. The village chief could only give her a little protection. At least she was not raped or killed. Callie was eating a little low for lack of food. She doesn't eat well, but there was something to eat. That was the only thing the village chief could do for her.

The old man was happy with this scene, at least, he could already take that weight off his shoulders if Liu Yang decides to take Callie out of the village. Thus, his promise will be finished.

"Thank you, sir" Callie thanked and happily enjoyed the food. This was the first time that she had two good meals in a single day.

"You're welcome"

"I thank the village chief for the food" Liu Yang returned the dishes through the small window.

"I am happy that the esteemed guest enjoyed the food"

"I hope you don't make too much noise, I'm going to get some sleep" Liu Yang lay down on the barrier and looked at the dark, dark sky.

"Okay, the residents will not disturb the esteemed guest's sleep. Let's go back. The esteemed guest will rest "Hearing the order of the chief of the village, everyone left and returned to their homes. They had no more reason to stay.

Some were curious about Liu Yang, but they did not dare to disobey the village chief.

(How am I going to get back to the starting village?) Liu Yang thought. He was wanting to find out how to do this to get back to his women, even if only for a short time.

The village information window appears. A shiny button appeared before him.

"Do you want to go back to the village?"

Note: You can only return once a week.

"Yes - No"

(This was easier than I thought) Liu Yang was happy with the simplicity of it.

(It looks like I can create some things from here. I will create a notice board in the middle of the village.)

Liu Yang clicked to create a new board in the village, he earned many contribution points by killing the rank 2 beasts.

"I'm fine. When the time comes, I will go back to the village and bring new information. Don't leave the village until I get back. I have a lot of important news for you "This is what Liu Yang wrote on the board.

When the sign suddenly appeared in the middle of the village square, the crowd was very frightened. But this scare soon became shocked and disbelief, as many did not believe Liu Yang's words. Now, they have started to believe that he can really go back to the village.

There were still some skeptics, they think that Liu Yang can only control the village, and not return. But they still had doubts about this thought, they will wait a few days to see if Liu Yang will appear or not. If he doesn't show up, they will make their moves and take control of the village.

(I better create some defenses for my house and the brothel. This is to avoid some setbacks) Liu Yang knows about the greedy inhabitants who want his place as the leader of the village, but as he got out. Nobody can hold that group of people anymore.

Fortunately, Liu Yang had the fanatics and fans, they will help the eight women to deal with some complicated situations for him.