I already made a deal with them first

"Formation!!! Protect our masters and mistress!!! " The leader shouted.

The number of soldiers wearing steel armor is about twenty, while the group of coaches was four. In each carriage, there were at least four nobles. The only exception was the carriage where Callie was, that carriage had only one noble inside, Rachil.

The soldiers held the swords and shields, they were around the carriages for any possible attack.

Shuoooo !!! Shuoooo !!! Shuoooo !!! Shuoooo !!!

A rain with several hundred arrows is shot towards the carriages.

"Activate the shields !!!!"

"Roger !!!!" The soldiers screamed and their shields glowed yellow. A large shield covered the carriages and protected them from being hit by the arrows.

Pahhh !!! Pahhh !!! Pahhh !!! Pahhh !!!

Hundreds of sounds were heard when the arrows hit the shield. Fortunately, the shield was not broken.

Crack !!!! Crack !!!! Crack !!!!

But that does not mean that the arrows have not damaged the shields. Many parts cracked and were almost broken.

Powerful energy emanated from the arrows, the leader tried to shout, but it was too late.

"Watch out...!!!!"

Booooom !!!!! Booooom !!!!! Booooom !!!!!

Suddenly, several hundred arrows detonated at the same time.

The explosion was so big that the shields were broken immediately, everyone inside the energy barriers was knocked down. Many soldiers were killed for being in front of the barrier and being the first to suffer the damage, those who did not die suffered heavy injuries.

A lot of dust was raised and covered the place. It didn't take long for the dust to settle and the destruction to be revealed.

Several craters appeared, many pieces of bodies scattered and the carriages lying on the ground due to the explosion.

"Check out the surroundings !!!! Look at the survivors !!! " The leader stood up and shouted. He was furious about it, he doesn't even know who did it.

"Roger !!" The soldiers were very sad after seeing the destroyed bodies of their companions. Some of them were still alive, but with missing body parts.

"Mr. Berguess, are you okay ??"

"Madam Luise, are you hurt ??"

"Madam Sofia ..."

"Mr. Dax ..."

The soldiers went to the carriages to check whether the nobles were still alive or not. Some of them were passed out due to the impact of the explosion. They were just level 0 beings, and they are very weak.

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Is my son still alive ?? Check it!!!"

"Mom, I'm alive, but my arm was injured when I fell on the floor"

"My son, don't worry. Everything will be fine "

The nobles were gathered, those who were alive carried their jewels and wealth with them. None of them dared to leave the place, although they did not have the strength to hold, they tried as hard as possible.

The soldiers were carrying the nobles passed out, as the horses were killed because of the explosion and there was no one else to carry them.

In one of the locations, Liu Yang was with Callie and Rachil. The two girls were not harmed by the beast hides that Liu Yang left with Callie.

"Are you two okay?" Liu Yang asked.

"Young master, we are fine."

"I am happy with that. You two need to be prepared, our enemies are close "

"Auuu !!!!" The Midnight Wolf howled in a certain direction. She had fierce looks as she looked ahead.

Several shadows appeared mounted on horses, each wearing black robes that cover their bodies. In the group, there were a total of ten people in black robes. A murderous aura could be felt being emanated from their bodies.

"Who are you?!!" The leader of the soldiers shouted. He knows that the other side did not come for fun.

"Chief of the Guards Kleed, you don't need to know the answer to that question when you are about to be killed" The hooded man in front commented coldly. For him, the group of nobles and soldiers was a dead group.

"Formation!!!" The chief of guards Kleed knew that a life-and-death struggle was about to begin, so he said nothing more and prepared to fight.

"Roger !!!" The soldiers gathered the nobles in one place and held swords around them.

The chiefs of the guards Kleed seemed to want to fight the group of assassins.

"Mister River, I wish you could protect Miss Rachil and escort her to the city safe and sound." Guards chief Kleed was not confident that he could defeat all ten assassins.

Fighting a group of assassins while he needed to protect others was an impossible task to do. At least for him.

"Uncle Kleed, you can't do this" Rachil was startled to hear those words. She didn't want him to die.

"Miss Rachil, it was a pleasure to serve the Ashton family. Now, my life will be used to protect you. There is nothing more glorious than that "The chief of soldiers Kleed was ready to die to try to buy time for Liu Yang to take Rachil to the city. He was confident that Liu Yang can do this.

A young man, who fought five hundred nocturnal beasts every night, was not a weak person. He can be much more powerful than the killers.

"Hehe… Interesting… Mr. River, How much will you want to leave this group behind and leave? I know they haven't paid a lot for you to keep up with them. I also know that you were forced to sleep outside the protective barrier, fortunately, Mr. River and his companions were strong enough to survive every night. "The leader of the killer group commented tragically. He made it seem that the group of nobles was quite evil because they left Liu Yang outside the barrier to be devoured by the nocturnal creatures.

"!!!!!" These words scared the nobles and soldiers if the leader of the assassins spoke these things. He must have a spy in the group, that spy can be one of the soldiers or one of the nobles.

"Who of you is the traitor ??" The chief of guards Kleed looked at the soldiers and the nobles. He was suspicious of them all.

"Chief of guards Kleed, you must know that a traitor always needs to be silenced. You don't have to worry about that, he is already dead with these other bodies "As an assassin, he needed to clean up possible problems in the future. The group's traitor was already killed during the explosion.

"It seems that you have already planned everything. Who hired you? Was it Sobek? Or Ryder? " The chief of soldiers Kleed had some suspicions about who did something like that.

"Chief of soldiers, you must know that as murderers, we have to keep our clients' identity confidential. Unless you pay the price for that information. "The leader of the assassin's group made it appear that they were fair, but the last part made it clear that they only want wealth. They will even betray their customers and someone will pay a good enough amount of money for the information.

"So it's really one of those idiots ..." The chief of soldiers Kleed clenched his fists. He knows what life is like for the nobles. One always tried to kill the other to get their wealth.

"Mr. River, how much do you want to get away from that group? We will pay twice the price "The head of the assassins left the group of nobles and soldiers aside, he focuses on Liu Yang.

The only person at the scene he was afraid of was Liu Yang. The leader of the group of assassins knows that no one in his group had a chance to defeat Liu Yang.

A person who can endure several days fighting nocturnal creatures was not someone they can handle. Not even the head of his organization can do what Liu Yang did.

Offending someone like Liu Yang was not a good idea.

"If you let this girl go with me, we can talk" Liu Yang pointed to Rachil.

"Wait!!! Don't leave us here !!! I pay double what they are paying you !!! I have a lot of jewelry with me too. " A nobleman shouted, he was holding his son and pleading with Liu Yang.

"Do not leave me!!! I will give you a mansion along with a property "

"Sir, if you save me, I will give you any woman in Wildwick City !!!"

The nobles were desperate when they heard Liu Yang's words. None of them wanted to die, so they started screaming and offering things to Liu Yang.

Each side offered was quite tempting, but for someone like Liu Yang, who was strong enough to travel to other areas. He didn't need that.

"Mister River, are you really protecting this girl?" The leader of the group of assassins narrowed his eyes.

His objective was to kill the girl named Rachil. As for the other nobles, they were expendable.

"They paid me in advance, so I need to keep the deal." Liu Yang spoke casually.

"I see ... You are one of those who honor agreements. Mr. River, when will the agreement end with them? " Since they can't kill Rachil, they just had to wait until Liu Yang left.

"My agreement with them is to take Miss Rachil to her home in the city. After that, I will leave. That shouldn't be a problem, right? "

"I see… No problem. As Mr. River will fulfill his contract with them first, we will withdraw. Mr. River, will you make another contract with them after you arrive in the city? " If Liu Yang continues to protect Rachil, they will be forced to call for more reinforcements.

"No. After I take her safe and sound to the Ashton family's mansion, I will not do anything like that again "

"We thank Mr. River for this information. You managed to escape this time, but next time, get ready to die. "The head of the assassins threw a bag of gold coins to Liu Yang as thanks.

Booom !!

A smoke bomb was exploded and covered the group. When the smoke cleared, they disappeared.

The nobles sighed in relief after seeing the group disappear.

"Mr. River, I thank you for your help. Without you, we would be dead "Chief of soldiers Kleed thanked him.

"You do not need to thank me. I was paid to do that" Only Liu Yang knows who made a deal with him.

"Let's clean up this mess and continue. We have no time to lose "The group no longer wanted to stay in the place after such a situation.

The nobles who asked Liu Yang for help began to look at him as if he were some kind of enemy, as he refused to help them. For the nobles, someone helping them was a blessing. This kind of arrogant thinking was common among the nobles.

But it will not work with Liu Yang.