Magic Skin

"I want you to fight our second leader" One of the women spoke.

"Fight against her?" Liu Yang pointed to Adina.

"Yes." The woman confirmed. She knows Adina's skills very well, she was even stronger than Sara, so it was the best option to fight Liu Yang.

"Sara, can she come here and fight with me?" Liu Yang asked. He doesn't know why Adina heard Sara's orders, but he understands that the two women had a very special relationship.

"Yes. Adina, you can fight him" Sara agreed to the fight. She was looking forward to seeing Liu Yang's current powers.

"..." Adina just walked over to Liu Yang. The two were about five meters apart.

"You can take out your weapon" Liu Yang will fight with his bare hands. He already saw Adina's status in the info window, he wasn't too concerned about that.

The large wooden staff on her back was removed. She looked like a mage that way.