Returning to the city

"Young master, I can see the city again !!" Tessa looked at the big image of the city in the carriage. She was happy to return to Silkhall City again.

"Yes. I can see it too. I'm already looking forward to being able to sleep in a room again." Liu Yang commented. He thought the little girl's behavior was funny.

"Young master, what do you think will happen when we get back? Will the nobles try to kill us again?" Nancy asked worriedly. She doesn't know if the nobles still had plans to deal with them. 

"I don't know. We were gone for a little over a year, so it's hard to know." Liu Yang doesn't know whether the nobles will try to do anything against him again or not. He just knows he needs to be careful.

"Young master, where are we going to stay this time? Will we go back to the mansion or will we go to some hotel?"

"Hotel. We are going to a hotel this time. The mansion is already destroyed and I haven't fixed it yet."