Cilia's request

"Young Master, you and your friend want something to drink and eat?" Celine asked.

"We would like fruit juice and some snacks if possible" Liu Yang liked to drink the juice. That preference increased after that disastrous night.

He and Nancy had been traveling for a long time, of course, the two were already hungry.

"Wait a moment" Celine left Liu Yang and Nancy in the lounge and went to the kitchen to prepare snacks.

"Young master, what kind of message did Madam Fiske leave for you? Do you have any guesses?" Nancy was curious about this. She remembers that he visited the mansion before, but she doesn't know what they talked about.

"No, I have no idea about Cilia's message. I can only wait to find out when Celine tells me" Liu Yang replied. He didn't even know what to think about it.

"Ohh ..." Nancy didn't pursue the subject. She just lay on Liu Yang's shoulders and enjoyed his warmth.