Dream Inn

"This city is stranger than I thought." Liu Yang murmured.

"Roar" The white cat beside him roared with curiosity. It looked around to find out what kind of location it was at.

Currently, Liu Yang was walking the streets of Kilvien City. The city was not as majestic as Silkhall City, but it still had a lot of people strolling the streets.

Because of the snow, the place is much colder than normal. In the other cities that Liu Yang visited before, he can walk the streets without wearing heavy clothes, but in Kilvien City, it was not possible because the cold was so intense.

Thus, the inhabitants of the city wear clothes for the cold climate, only a small amount wear casual clothes. These people had the skills to withstand the intense cold.

(I need to find a place to rest first, after that, I will go to the Adventurers Agency to improve my adventurer status.) Liu Yang already had some plans in mind.