Going out and coming back

It didn't take long for Liu Yang's information to appear in the book.

When the maid saw the name written in the book. She showed a shocked face but soon returned to normal.

Liu Yang noticed this, but he didn't comment.

(It looks like she knows who I am from the face she showed me moments ago. The information about me passing the Wall Challenge must have been spread all over the Temore Kingdom already. That's too fast) Liu Yang thought.

(Is it possible that Rosella, the person who controls her body, and Cilia knows about me passing the Wall Challenge? I remember that a subordinate of the Thorp family saw me a few days ago, he must have talked about me. Cilia must also receive the information about me sooner or later… The slave market must already know about it…)

"Mr. Hawk River, according to the information. You registered as an adventurer at the Silkhall City's Adventurers Agency, right?" The attendant asked to confirm the information.
