I can be just an idiot

"It was a group of idiots who ambushed my group during a fight that we were having a battle with some crystal creatures in the Neutral Zone." Millia spoke angrily. She was having a battle and other people intervened.

"Were the other members of your group defeated? Or were you just captured?"

"Some were killed and others captured." Millia replied.

"Why are you answering my questions?" Liu Yang did not understand why Millia would answer questions from an unknown person.

"I'm doing it because you don't seem to be afraid of me, even though you know my identity." Millia smiled.

It is very rare for her to meet someone like Liu Yang. Most of the people she meets and who find out about her identity, they fear her.

So, someone like Liu Yang is good to talk to, since he is not showing fear or hostility towards her.

"You don't seem to be as dangerous as people say." Liu Yang realized that there was no hostility emanating from her.