Worms inside the mouth

Inside the hotel in Everguard City…

Zayaa was sitting by the window and looking towards the sea, she was looking towards Liu Yang.

Her indifferent look makes her seem not at all concerned about him.

"Liu Yang, I will be waiting for you in the Wild Region in two years. We will meet at the destined place." Zayaa murmured before closing her eyes again.

Zayaa already predicted that he wouldn't be back anytime soon, so she didn't have to worry about his life.

The length of time Liu Yang will stay inside the giant creature was undetermined, Zayaa only knows that he will appear in the Wild Region.

The Zayaa's skill to see the future only works for her, she cannot see the future of other people.


tip… tip… tip…

The sound of falling water droplets is heard. The place inside the giant mouth was completely dark and there was no light inside.