I need to calm down… I need to calm down…

"Snow, you did a good job" Liu Yang petted the two-meter-high cursed rabbit.

roar… roar…

Snow made sounds of joy upon receiving affection. She liked to receive Liu Yang's affection, even though she hadn't fought in a long time because he was in places where she couldn't leave. Snow and the other beasts are always happy when he pulls them out of the dwelling ring.

"You can go back now. I'll play with you later." He patted her head a few more times before sending the giant cursed rabbit back to the dwelling ring.

"It looks like I managed to get to someplace inside the mansion" Liu Yang looked at the small hole and saw that the place was a dark deposit. He could see into the darkness.

"This place seems to be empty" He looked for some time before using his hand to dig a small hole for him to climb.

Looking around, Liu Yang saw that he was in a kind of basement or storage somewhere inside the mansion's property.