Before jumping

"Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is already arriving at the final destination, the City of Lamentations. Ladies and gentlemen, we at the Rarks's Travel Company ask passengers to collect your things. The airship cannot land in the city, so you need to jump out. Passengers inside private cabins can jump through the door that will open. We thank you for flying with us and see you on the next trip" A female voice echoed throughout the airship.

"Liu Yang, let's get ready. We need to be ready to get out of here" Zilyana's clone commented. She got up from the bed and started putting on her clothes.

"Zily, why can't the airship land in the city?" Liu Yang found this situation very crazy.

Zily was the name that Liu Yang calls the Zilyana's clone. He decided to call it that because it was a little strange that he called the clone. Besides, the clone also had three daughters. While Zilyana lost her virginity some time ago when he visited the Pheria Kingdom.