Searching the city

The sound of something hitting the floor hard was heard.

The man looked like a ball bouncing from side to side.

"Ahh ..." He was breathless and extremely tired from the loss of blood.

His pale, lifeless body can be seen when his clothes are back to normal.

"Fellow, I appreciate your help." The man was lying on the floor and almost asleep, but he did not forget to thank Liu Yang for his great help.

If Liu Yang refused to offer help, he would already be dead.

"You are welcome" Liu Yang replied casually under the steel helmet before he started walking. He had no reason to stay or continue to help the man lying on the floor.

"Fellow, could you wait a while? I just need some time to recover, can you wait that long? I will pay for it and for the previous help" The man was a little nervous about his situation. He was already severely injured and very tired.

If any tree or creature attacks him, he has no chance of defending himself.