The location of the entrances

His sword shone and two heads flew. Their eyes were open and they didn't even know how they died.

poff… poff… crack !!! crack !!!!

The two heads rolled on the ground before being crushed into thousands of pieces.

The man cut and smashed both heads without hesitation or pity.

"This is what happens when they don't listen to my orders. The next one will be you.  If you don't do what I'm told" The man pointed the sword at the necks of the other slaves.

"!!!!!" The group of slaves clenched their teeth and ran towards the cursed lizards as if they were a group of madmen without fear of death.

roar !!!! roar !!!!

The cursed lizards roared with ferocity and madness. They charged towards the escaped slaves and left the group of men in steel armor behind.