A trap

Inside Hach's mansion ...

The place was already completely dark and everyone was asleep.

The only sounds that could be heard were the guards' footsteps pacing around the mansion.

crack… crack… crack…

Suddenly, the sounds of something being cracked are heard. But the sounds were extremely low and barely audible.

Looking more closely at the site, we can see a finger coming out of a hole in the ground, but it was soon taken out.

Nothing happened for the next hour ...

One hour later…

crack… crack… crack…

The small hole was cracking and cracking until it became a small well, which could be used by one person.

But the cracking sounds were so low that it did not echo.

A head emerged from the hole and looked around. His solemn gaze swept all over the place.

After realizing that there was no danger whatsoever.

The body came out of the hole.